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yes there is. it is supposed to be random. My daughter was a D1 soccer player and was 'randomly' tested 3 or 4 times in a year. The way I understood it is they test various athletes out of all sports combined. In other words not all players are tested, now that's how I understood it but I could be wrong, just ask my wife. Still to be tested 4 times in a year is pretty weird. True story

My son and his college teammates were tested several times a year on a completely random basis.


A personal story on the topic that I've always found humorous: In the 2006 DI College World Series, my son pitched a complete game in hot weather. When he got to the locker room, he was told that he'd been chosen for a random drug test.


Unfortunately, the combination of 9 innings of exertion and Omaha's hot and humid conditions rendered him incapable of supplying the necessary fluid required to perform the test.


After a multitude of Gatorades and approximately an hour, he was finally "good to go." The team, meanwhile, had boarded the bus and returned to the hotel well before his test was made possible. An athletic department official had to drive him, separately, to the hotel after his test; arriving about 1 - 1 1/2 hours after the rest of the team had arrived.


Needless to say, a lot of jokes and laughs were exchanged after he'd made his way back to the hotel lobby.

Meant to post earlier, but was on my ipad...


The NCAA only tests a couple times each school year. Definitely once during football season and once during track season. The university I was at also did its own random testing and that could come at any time. Regardless, for our student-athletes, the process was all the same. They were notified by their team athletic trainer in the afternoon and had to show up at the hospital where the testing was done at 6AM the next morning. There were NO excuses. You miss and that was considered a positive test.

Originally Posted by Prepster:

My son and his college teammates were tested several times a year on a completely random basis.


A personal story on the topic that I've always found humorous: In the 2006 DI College World Series, my son pitched a complete game in hot weather. When he got to the locker room, he was told that he'd been chosen for a random drug test.


Unfortunately, the combination of 9 innings of exertion and Omaha's hot and humid conditions rendered him incapable of supplying the necessary fluid required to perform the test.


After a multitude of Gatorades and approximately an hour, he was finally "good to go." The team, meanwhile, had boarded the bus and returned to the hotel well before his test was made possible. An athletic department official had to drive him, separately, to the hotel after his test; arriving about 1 - 1 1/2 hours after the rest of the team had arrived.


Needless to say, a lot of jokes and laughs were exchanged after he'd made his way back to the hotel lobby.

i have a funny / embarrassing story as well, when we moved out here about 9 years ago my new company had me tested, never been tested in my life. I go into the room and the girl gave me a container for my sample. I do my thing and then she comes back with a cup for my sample, apparently i used something they give you to put your keys and such in.  very awkward moment.

Son is at a competitive D2.  Was given a long list of NCAA banned substances on day 1 and told expect to be tested.  All the kids - especially freshmen had to list everything they take from protein shakes, weight gainer, to daily meds to how much caffeine they take in (coffee / soda).  Was told DON'T TAKE ANY PERSCRITPIONS WITHOUT FIRST SEEING TEAM TRAINER OR DOCTOR.  I think that's a little overboard - however it stresses the length and depth of NCAA's testing ability.


Hope that answers your question.

Hope know one minds.The kid hates it.I tell  it whenever I get the chance.2016 has to take the yearly sports exam.@ 8-10 they also started doing the urinalisist.His first.He is given a 6 oz. clear solo cup.He goes off.few minutes later I look up as he is trying to get my attention from door way of hall of rooms.I am in waiting room.I was told before hand this was something I (him) can handle on my own.As I get to the bathroom the nurse walks up wondering whats guy is in the bathroom standing next to a 6oz. clear plastic solo cup that if one more drop of fluid was put into it the cup would start running over.I had no idea a little guy like he was could go that much at one appointment.Not to embarres him I look at the nurse and say is that enough? while in my mind I'm wondering how she is going to pick it up without spilling the top two inches.I laugh to myself to such a point I was laughing out loud walking to the car. Sorry!!!  BACK to college and drug testing............

My DI freshman was tested when he arrived on campus. Had to fill out a list of current prescriptions. Was told be the team trainer that he will take care of his prescriptions and notify him of any new ones. Also, reviewed list of do's & don'ts regarding sups & vitamins. 

Has been randomly tested once since.

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