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Mr Mitchell is now complaining about lack of cooperation on the part of MLB with regard to his investigation into steroid use et al

I may not be the brightest guy in the world but how can he expect cooperation when all that happens is that the info is leaked after telling the players that it was all to be kept secret and in house---I am not condoning steroid use or even saying do they or dont they but what I am saying if ownership is promising the players union and its players secrecy and then the info gets leaked how can they expect cooperation

thoughts !!!
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How can he expect people to act in a responsible manner and help clean up the sport that made them millionaires many times over, indeed!

The idea that the truth is something to hide, and that its somehow proper to allow those committing crimes or other things not openly acceptable in civilized society, is a truly disgusting legacy we’re leaving to our progeny!

This is getting to be a really old tune. I’m just about ready to advocate MLB just suspends all play for until the collective bargaining agreement has expired, then start all over again!

And when they do, unless a player is willing to be randomly tested up to 52 times a year, with those test results made pubic and available to law enforcement for mandatory prosecution, screw ‘em! They can’t play!

There would obviously be a few idiots who’d sneak through the initial process, and a few more who’d definitely push the envelope, and that’s fine too. As a minimum the penalty from MLB should be automatic termination and a lifetime ban.

Would the quality of the game suffer? You bet your bippy it would, at least initially. But even if the best players in the game were eliminated, who cares? I sure don’t! If I can enjoy watching a t-ball game, I can certainly enjoy watching grown men who are of a very high quality, maybe not the best, but high quality.

The game shouldn’t be about the owners, management, or players! it should be about putting quality competitors on the field for the fans.
TR, you are correct.

This is just the latest/last straw ... the players should do anything they have to to get Bud Selig removed as commissioner, and get an independent who really will act in the best interests of the game.

I want steroids and drugs out of baseball. And, as a member of the media, don't get me wrong, I hope I'd have done exactly what those reporters did. But if nobody was leaking information, nobody would be complaining about it.

Unfortunately, this has become not about steroids or drugs, but about power and prosecution, and the result is persecution. This is why it ultimately will fail.

And why Bud Selig must be thrown out as commissioner and replaced with an independent who will act solely in the best interests of the game.

Do you really believe those guys would do anything resembling demanding someone who’s more interested in the game than in their interests? Perhaps my cynicism has finally gone over-the-edge, but why would anyone in their position risk endangering not only all the things they’ve gained, but risk getting banned from the game too?

Wanting steroids and other drugs out of the game is like wishing in one hand and making #2 in the other. Everyone knows which one will fill up first! There is no way to make baseball a “clean” sport, as long as there’s so much money to be made from it. Even if baseball gave everyone complete immunity and started everything over again tomorrow, it would still have more than its fair share of problems.

You’re right about the leaks, and I believe that goes for just flat out telling the truth about what’s going on. As long as people believe someone telling the truth, such as what Bouton did, is somehow being a RAT and a despicable person, the general public, us, is never gonna get the whole story.

Did you ever really believe in your heart that it was ever about anything other than money and/or power? What the problem as I see it is, is that the minority who actually have all the power, are the ones who’ll lose the most, if and when this **** actually starts being cleaned up.

They need the folks who aren’t the privileged class to make these decisions, and it would clean up in a heartbeat! Get some old grandmas like mine who only knew what was right or wrong in there making the decisions, rather than some fellows who care more about whether or not their $500M yacht is gonna be ready for the weekend, and you’ll see it cleaned up.

I really believe there is no such thing as an “INDEPENDENT” when it comes to this stuff, unless you can get people with absolutely no interest in the game at all.

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