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I’m not adverse to change. But if this is a new format it’s terrible. Posts don’t have date/time stamps on them. It makes it much harder to figure out where I left off reading last time. It’s also harder to discern posts from one another. 

In the words of the immortal Dennis Eckersley, “Yuck.” I hope David OverPriced doesn’t find out I said yuck. 

Add: After looking very closely after magnifying the screen I noticed there is a faded date/time stamp. I don’t have vision problems. 

** The dream is free. Work ethic sold separately. **

Last edited by RJM
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RJM posted:

One other thing about the new format versus the old. The. Avatars are now gone. I used to be able to tell where I left off last time by looking for avatars. It’s a lot harder to find the bookmark now.

Agreed--a return to larger avatars would be helpful, if possible.  (And thanks MN-Mom for making the time stamp easier to read.  And for all you do to keep the site operating!)

MN-Mom posted:

I agree, I liked the larger avatars better also. This one is a little tougher to fix but I will look into it.

(Our software and hosting provider makes updates automatically that sometimes include styling changes, and I have to override them with custom CSS if we don't like the change.)


Just a note that the phrase "custom CSS" kind of makes me break out in hives. I run an online news site of my own, so am sympathetic and appreciative of what you do. Let me know if I can help. As long as it doesn't involve coding.


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