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I received a pm referring to my light hearted response of "I know" in response to Roy Hobbs Fan's posting on the "It" topic. It is now suggested that I'm some type of hypocrite because I admonish one group and not another. Perhaps I made light of the comment since I don't have a clue what you are talking about and I was just having fun. All of you guys up in Chicago think that the entire state knows your petty battles. I don't. I saw a post on "it" and didn't tie it to any attack on anyone but rather a comment general about a concept that many people THROUGHOUT THE STATE, comment on when that next player in the area has "it."

Perhaps instead of being critical of my actions, a pm could be sent AND/OR you can hit the "report button" to let us know what is going on. I've worked on my Jedi Mind Tricks and they don't work at this distance from your area. I've called the Amazing Kreskin and he's busy. Therefore, you'll all just have to take my word on the fact that I don't know who's peeing on who and I don't have any agenda against anyone up there.

Take care,

Darrell Butler

Edited to add:

I was interrupted in my posting and left out one very important statement. If your agenda on this site it "negative in nature" and so, you look to get even with others via attacks on this site. Your days are numbered. If those attacks are aimed at kids, you'll be gone as soon as I can get it done. I'm positive Julie would agree. Please refresh yourselves with the Message Board Manners.

Perhaps some of you have not noticed but the Illinois Forum has recently taken a serious step for the worse. I'm not a liberty at this time to say why. However, I will have to be more diligent in reading each and every post here. Again, hit the report button or pm me when there is potential conflict.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Originally posted by CPLZ:
The jedi mind tricks might work better if you guys down south didn't talk so funny. There's nothing more annoying than not being able to understand the voices in your head. Wouldn't you agree?

Actually, I was raised until 6th grade in Kentucky by parents that didn't make it out of grade school. If you think most people in Southern Illinois talk funny, you'd never believe what a converstation with me is like. I'm sure that those on the board that have spoken with me can verify that. Take care y'all!

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