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After last night's collaspe, I told my Wife that "I just can't take it!" 8 games ahead to 1 1/2 in the worst division in baseball. THE LOSING STREAK CONTINUES!!! Believe it or not, if I were offered a trip to the dentist or watching another Cardinals game today, I'd pick the dentist. I hope that wouldn't be my choice tomorrow. LOL!

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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Glove Man, seeing that Twins Avatar was sooooo funny. Your Astros put up a fantastic run. In fact, it isn't new news that they were playing their best baseball late in the year. I know as a Cardinals fan, I was seriously worried that the "collaspe" was going to be of historic proportions. Smoltz is very good and in the end, it came down to that last game. Good luck again next year when this division perplexes us all.

I'm surprised a winner like you would take credit for finishing 3rd in anything. The sox had 90 wins and were bad for a lot more than the last two weeks. 28-30 August 1st til the end of the season.

Doesn't matter how you do it, just win baby.....The A's didn't look like the 75 or 76 Reds all year, but they are going to win it all this year.
Originally posted by Sdawg34:

Why don't you take your bs back to Texas. You can cheer for T.O. and the rest of the winners in your state. Why does the Illinois sight attract all the goof balls?


IMO, you're more than welcome on this board. As for our site attracting all the goof balls I beg to differ. I think we have more than enough home grown goof balls (myself included) that to include some out of state goof balls adds some diversity to our site!
TRHit, the premise of this thread when I created it was that each night it was a new agony as the Redbirds nearly collapsed before making the playoffs. That 7 run lead turned into one and it was so hard to watch. Remember all of the media was predicting the "GREATEST COLLASPE IN THE HISTORY OF SPORT." Remember they even showed that guy that lost the British Open when he went into that ditch. That was the magnitude of gloom facing the Redbird Nation. cry Thank goodness they made the playoffs.

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