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Originally posted by trojan-skipper:
GW: I am right smack in the middle of that bad boy and am helping sponsor After Prom..(at a bowling alley from midnite to 4am) the prom sponsor checked out the place where they are having the dance and he said the basement there, well, "I don't know if we will be able to get the girls to go down there, it's pretty nasty"

Skipper (and everyone else out there) stay safe.
The Mid-Atlantic region could actually use a nice good soaking. Been a while since we've had any decent rain and it's getting pretty dry. We're in a Red fire zone and no burn laws are in effect.

Son's varsity hosted a doubleheader today and even though the coach has been watering the field every day, it's getting pretty dry. Up to a week ago the foul territory was a nice luscious green - and even through it's been watered, you can tell it's getting dry.

Gee thanks iggy! I try to keep as busy as possible...

You can see at my last gig above I was doing a fine job...not a crow in sight. I may have been helped by the fact that the field surrounding me was growing nothing more than a few scattered and tortured weeds and the creek running through the treeline in the distance is the west fork of Nile creek...teeming with virus!



    "In my rapidly declining state..."

I'm right there with you brother are everyone else who are trying to survive here in the deep trench once proudly referred to as the Land of Lincoln.

My current job scaring crows has me climbing into what are now my best remaining togs and having to balance my last straight 2X4 across my formerly broad shoulders all the while keeping a menacing grin affixed to my once smiling face.

Such are the opportunities in this declining state of ours. In large part we can point a gnarled, once proud and now government assisted, finger at all of the mostly lousy pols we have representing us. We voted for them didn't we? And sadly we will continue to do so. I shudder to even imagine the state of our state a decayed decade down the crumbling road. Sigh.

    "I'm lost though, which direction should we go ?"

You know what iggy? I never thought I'd ever think a place like Albania was a place to move to better your lot in life, but hey iggy, guess what? Albania is loaded with raucous flocks of crows, jays, ravens, magpies, and those hungry trekking bustards! A down-'n-out scarecrow's dream! Those magpies, you ought to see 'em when they get really scared, their mags get as big as saucers and their pies go full tilt a la mode! I'm there along with our clutch so long as a guy named Quinn isn't at the helm...and a guy named Madigan isn't behind the curtain.

Seriously...I find it amazing and uplifting what a strong and healthy dose of both optimism and good humor can do to get a brood through a challenging stretch of time. It works. Watch out good've got a freight train, with Thomas, The Tank Engine® the lead locomotive, barreling down the tracks of life right atcha' won't know what hit you!

"Albania? Isn't that on the North Shore?"......"Yeah, that's right. Half a world away."

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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