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If you saw the subject line and expected a complaint, I hope you're pleasantly surprised. This is about how things are better ...




Me and my wife took JP to a Rangers-Mariners game this week because a pitcher he's friends with is a Seattle reliever. We arrived early, and JP hung out with the pitcher's dad near the bullpen. It got me thinking: It's REALLY different -- in some very cool and important ways -- for young ball players today. Here are three examples. Feel free to add.


1. When I was a kid, MLB guys were practically GODS. I never once imagined that I could play on an MLB field. JP does -- and part of the reason is he's met and talked with a lot of guys who've done it. Two examples: One time he was hitting in the cages, and Austin Jackson came in and worked on his swing with JP's coach's brother for 90 minutes -- and he talked with JP. Another time, he met and talked with Tony LaRussa, who told him the most important thing to remember as a hitter is to see the ball, hit the ball. So my son sees these guys differently. He KNOWS they're dang good -- but he also knows they're human. I imagine he's no different than a LOT of young ball players today.


2. It's SO much easier for young ball players to be seen by the right people today. Two words: Perfect Game.


3. Electronic communications and the Web make it possible for young players to know more about, and connect with the right people in a timely fashion. Compared to how it was when I was young, that's a game-changer.


The truth is, I envy these kids!


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