My son also played football
Thanks for sharing your throwback and recent photos/videos. Please keep them coming.
Youngest from 3-15.
Oldest getting ready to graduate.
Rob Kremer posted:
Wow!!! Having been a defensive coach for several really good 5A teams in CO, including a 5A state champion, that is impressive! Most of my experience is with a similar defense but with more stunting, especially by the SS's. He would have been even more unstoppable. Impressive stuff!
I can't decide whether it seemed like it was a short time ago or a long time ago that my son first started playing baseball. But I can tell you that he's come a long way since his coach pitch days. He's now in 7th grade playing middle school ball. At least back in coach pitch he had a jersey that fit instead of the tent he has to wear this year.
And yes - he is pitching off of flat ground there. The team school they played against does not have their own field and instead uses an old Legion ball field. It has a permanent mound, but at 60' 6" and not the 54' they use in middle school.