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Yesterday was a lot of lasts for my son. His last day as a HS student. He loved high school, his experience was what every parent wants for their kid and every kid wants. Great student, tons of success on both basketball court and baseball field. great long term GF- they are a fantastic compliment to each other, tons of long term life long friends with great memories at school, on the court or field, hanging out. All kinds of alcolades and honors. On more TV highlights and newspaper articles than I could ever have imagined this year. On and on and on.


He deserved it to be honest. He worked hard at school, his sports, being a good BF, being a good friend, being humble and respectful (thank God for his mother on that one!), a very willing mentor to younger teammates and even kids in 3-8th grade.


I understand yesterday was very hard for him as school. He simply didn't want it to end.


Last night a sectional final game. He was pitching against a summer teammate who is, also, a very good pitcher (going D1).Game was dominated by by pitching. although we had our chances in 4th with 2nd and 3rd and one out and 6th with 3rd and one out. We failed to score as thier pitcher k'd the crucial 2nd out and then got out of both situations (one of those was my son- so NOT complaining about offense). Jeremy got 2 outs quick in top of 7th, then a hit with 2 strikes on batter, a 3-2 walk, and another hit with 0-2 on another summer teammate who knocked in the run with a clean single. We went down quietly in bottom of 7th and lost 1-0. Jeremy ended with 12k, 3BB and 5 hits. Other pitcher 8k,3BB, 3 hits.


Just like that in one fell swoop his entire HS existence was over in a matter of  a few hours. He was crushed, last one to leave the locker I understand, came home and spent a hour in his room, went to GF for a few hours. I am assuming all of this was to get out the emotions of the day. Then went to hang out with HS teammates and spend the night at one of thier houses- more team bonding.


I have no doubts he will be ok. He will move on and do very well in whatever he does with baseball and life. But today and for the next few days, he will be looking back at what he had and is gone

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It is always bittersweet to end one phase of our lives and move on to the next. Then we go through it again with our kids. Seeing what they are going through brings out a natural empathy since we can relate. In my son's case he and his team went from jubilation his Jr year when they won the state championship, to the next when they lost in the semi-finals. The year before brought bruises from the dog pile celebration, and the following year tears of disappointment knowing they had not only come up a little short, but that many would not be back next year.


Hopefully you, your son and family will experience a wonderful college experience, knowing that one day it too will end.

Enjoy the ride.

Your son is so fortunate to have those thoughts, feelings and emotions.  There are so many other players and students that are so happy its over for one reason or another.  While what he is feeling is normal of course he will soon realize he went through his HS years balls to the wall with no regrets. (I think I could say that).  And when you attack life with that type of passion you soon learn that while sadden that its over, there is eventually peace and a sense of attainment in what you accomplished and in  knowing there are no regrets.

Originally Posted by shortnquick:

Your son is so fortunate to have those thoughts, feelings and emotions.  There are so many other players and students that are so happy its over for one reason or another.  While what he is feeling is normal of course he will soon realize he went through his HS years balls to the wall with no regrets. (I think I could say that).  And when you attack life with that type of passion you soon learn that while sadden that its over, there is eventually peace and a sense of attainment in what you accomplished and in  knowing there are no regrets.

I couldn't agree more. my 2 older son's experience was not like his. Oldest couldn't wait to get out of HS. 2nd oldest had great HS experience and was sad but not the experience sports wise but all other facets were basically the same. I really like the balls to the walls comment. I will be passing that on to my 2 left in school, though that are both daughters so I will be paraphrasing )

Last edited by chefmike7777



Great post, and congrats...sometimes with a lot of focus starting so early on the process to play at the next level, I think we look back and figure the "end game" winds up being something totally different in retrospect.  Looks like you guys accomplished that "end game", and everything from here on out is just icing on the cake!


Well done!

When my daughter (the oldest) was two I didn't think she could get any cuter. I thought someday I'm going to miss this. I felt the same way when she was four, six and so on. But she kept growing. She will be twenty-six this summer. She stopped growing. She looks mostly like she did two years ago. But kids never stop doing things that amaze parents because they are their kids. 


I haven't been on the grounds of the high school since my son (the youngest) graduated. When I drive by it seems weird not to stop. Between two kids I spent so much time there either waiting in the parking lot or watching sports.

For some it's never over.  We have our 50 year reunion this year. I cannot attend (baseball reasons).  However, once every week a bunch of us old hasbeens get together for a beer or two.  Quite often the conversation turns to those old school days.  If I didn't know better, it would sound like we were really good.


One of the greatest accomplishments in my lifetime is the fact I still have the same friends I grew up with.  chefmike, Your son's reward will be the memories! Even that last game will turn into a good memory in some ways.

PGStaff, I think i used to run the mile really fast in HS too. if memory serves me right something like 4:02. LOL Actually, the more beer, the faster I was!


I can see him having lifelong friends that are in HS with him. My 2 older boys are going down that path at 26 and 24. I do think it is easier now with all the technology to keep those friendships going.

Last edited by chefmike7777

Chef, if it's any consolation to you, mine is home from his first year of college and still moans about grass mowing.  It interferes with his consecutive days of fishing since being back. Family is loading up for first Collegiate League series on the road today after school.  Wouldn't be the normal holiday weekend if we weren't at the ballpark. 

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