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Well two old friends friends no more. It seems on a local HS message board a player was being dicussed. Many of the posters were heaping praise on a young player and he is very good. A guy comes on and begins to bash the kid saying that he is over rated etc etc. It turns out the dad of the player is informed of the message board banter and goes on line to check it out. It turns out he is able to determine who the basher is by some of the information the basher puts out there which is some very ugly stuff.

The dad of the kid confronts the basher face to face. He denies that it is him. He later confesses after he is faced with some facts. Hard feelings now. Real hard feelings. Lessons to be learned. On this site I have been very surprised who reads these posts. Recently at a Showcase event I was told "I enjoy your posts coach". It was a College Head Coach. Be carefull what you post. And even if you have an anonymous screen name people can put 2 and 2 together over a period of time. Nothing good ever comes from putting down a kid. Nothing. And you will never make your son look better by trying to makes someone else's son look bad. jmho
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Coach May,

That's the worst offense, ripping apart a player on a message board. That's IMO, gutless.

You are so right, one can come on anonymously, but it's pretty easy to figure out, except if you think that you can try to fool people by using cryptic english to fool people. Some even think they are smarter, but IP addresses aren't to hard to figure out, even when you try to use one or two at a time.

Yes, one would be surprised to know who reads here, recently I discovered one of the NYP coaches posts here. This isn't your HSBBW with just players and parents anymore.

CM you have a pm.
Last edited by TPM

I think that as websites continue to multiply - so will the opportunities for people to spout nastiness and lies.

I have read many "pro" websites since D started playing pro ball. I read one - a Philadelphia Phillies site - where they trashed him so bad I had to just laugh.

Point being - as the websites continue to multiply - more and more will not be taken seriously. I also think that the key to maintaining a top of the class website -like our HSBBWEB - is having a bunch of moderators being diligent - and just hammering out any idiot that attempts to talk down any player.

I really think that vigilance is a critical requirement for any website nowdays - and it will only grow in importance in the future.
Last edited by itsinthegame
Where are these other message boards? Wait don't tell me !!!!!!!!!!!!! I spend to much time around here as it is. I do check on another local one about once a month.

Good post coach M.

It does seem some kids can get hyped beyond their abilities, which in turn, prompts another poster to take him down a notch. Still, leave it alone. JMO

A while back a poster here made some comments about another parent at a showcase. If I recall, that didn't work out for that poster very well.
You trash a kid - you will be smoked. Quickly. No negotiations - no pleas for reason. Just deleted and smoked.

We all came out to HSBBW
To make records with a Baseball bat
We didn't have much time
Frank MARTIN and the Mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with his RADAR gun
Burned the place to the ground

Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky
Smoke on the water

They burned down the OUT house
It died with an awful sound
A funky TROLL was running in and out
Putting kids DOWN to the ground
When it all was over
THEY had to find another place
IT'S WILDDOGS was running you out,
It seemed that YOU will lose the race

Smoke on the water, and fire in the sky
Smoke on the water
yes TripleDad, I am very familiar with the situation you described, unfortunately Frown.
I made a comment that I didn't mean to be identifiable, and not thinking the other person would be a reader on the boards (just plain not thinking period). An apology was issued, but of course the damage was done. Some of us have to learn the hard way Roll Eyes

I really dont think you can equate bashing a young player to criticizing paid professional athletes.

I also dont see any of the stuff directed at Byrd-Giambi-Bonds etc... as bashing.

As public figures - who have admitted using performance enhancing substances - I think the public has a right to express their opinions about these fellas. I dont consider that bashing at all. Just debating the facts - as admitted by these players. JMHO
Last edited by itsinthegame
by itsinthegame: I really don't think you can equate bashing a young player to criticizing paid professional athletes.
I also dont see any of the stuff directed at Byrd-Giambi-Bonds etc... as bashing
you did earlier
by itsinthegame: read many "pro" websites since D started playing pro ball. I read one - a Philadelphia Phillies site - where they trashed him so bad I had to just laugh.

so is there a cutoff age? (rhetorical)
the difference being, someone w/a "close personal connection" to the player could view critical statements as "bashing" ...

others with no personal connection could view them as "fair shots", even tho stated crudely

I dare guess Byrd's wife or daughter would view his HGH thread differently than you did Wink

from Coach May's description above an evil lurker called a hs player "over-rated ... etc"
admit the "etc" could make a difference ... was it .. he can't hit the inside FB? his 60 is really a 7.2 not a 6.8? or, he stops at my bar after practice for a shot & beer? (emulating the Mick?)

I attended a FB playoff game recently & the entire student section chanted "OVER-RATED" at the running back, his team, & the entire community ....
no counseling was required

later the other stands returned a chant of "SCORE BOARD" ...
it appeared as tho counseling would be necessary there
Last edited by Bee>
SO many shades of gray. What is bashing to one, may be constructive criticism to another.
What one person takes personal, it bounces off another.

Ever wonder how a parent of a national spelling bee
competitor might bash another kid spelling bee competitor? "That kid doesn't know an pronoun from a knothole in a tree." "hey, I saw that kid try to spell EUCELELE and he blew a lobe" "chump"
It is apparently ok in college though. College players are routinely criticized on the net for a lack of whatever, and never respond. If a parent responds the reaction is mixed, ranging from "Beat it Pop. It's our team. We trash who we trash." to "I'd pound that guy, if I were you." Hardly seems fair. The kids on the bench are rarely criticized, though. Smile
Last edited by Dad04
In this case it was a dad of another player saying that this player was #1 Over rated. #2 Lazy. #3 Stuck on himself and not a good team mate.

Now I dont believe the kid is over rated at all. I have no idea if he is lazy or not but he plays hard. I have no idea if he is stuck up but he appears from his actions in games to be a very good team mate.

My point is what are you trying to accomplish by making these kinds of comments about another HS player. And a player that your son is friends with. What does it really say about the person making the comments. Even if the statements happen to be true? Everyone can judge that one themselves.
Criticism from other parents, just like excessive praise of a player from his own parents plays itself out on the field. Talk is cheap. Players prove it on the field.

My wife was on the receiving end of criticism when my son was eight years old. Without realizing who her son was, a parent told her the only reason a certain eight year old (our son) started in an 8/9 league was because his dad (me) is the coach. My son proceeded to control the game for his team from the point and led in scoring from steals and layups.

Afterwards, my wife was upset. I asked her if she thought anything the guy said was true based on what she saw on the court. I told her if the guy goes around telling people what he told her, he'll just appear ignorant about the game.

Just blow this stuff off and let talent speak for itself. I've never let anything negative said about my kids abilities affect the kids, the family or me. There's always going to be at least one unhappy person in the world taking a shot even if it never comes back to you. When it does, I say "So what." I tell my kids to think the same.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Wait a minute TG watch what you post.

Some of us websters here have seen some pretty nasty stuff you posted about someone else's kid on the internet. Whether that be in retaliation or not, you didn't have that "so what" attitude at teh time.
I described a type of player. Almost every LL has a player like the one I described. I have never named and commented on any specific kid's ability in a negative way. I was also using the style to compare two types preteen playing styles and potential, not to criticise a player.
Last edited by RJM
No pm's please, it wasn't by name, it was by lack of his physical attributes, and something about lack of intelligence.

Point is, your post seems awfully unusual to me since you have been guilty yourself AS to what Coach May has posted.

I even forgot about you mentioning another player here in comparison to your player. Thanks for teh reminder.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
No pm's please, it wasn't by name, it was by lack of his physical attributes, and something about lack of intelligence.

Point is, your post seems awfully unusual to me since you have been guilty yourself AS to what Coach May has posted.

I even forgot about you mentioning another player here in comparison to your player. Thanks for teh reminder.
If you believe I mentioned a name I didn't want to bring it public again. Since you can't respond in a PM I'll assume you're wrong. I'll assume this is just you following me around the board as you do trying to make every possible negative post towards me, in an attempt abuse your power as a monitor to harass me off the board. Several members have PM'ed me and warned me you've done it to other people. Whatever burr you have in your saddle, have it removed and get over it.
Last edited by RJM
You asked me on several occassions not to pm you.

I never said that you metnioned anyone by name, neither did this dad in Coach May's post.

Your post in this thread on the other hand if read over, does seem to indicate, you might have been party to same events. Like, hey it happens all of the time, no big deal. What kind of responsible adult behavior is this, for adults to slam young players on a message board? Hey, folks can go after each other, not players.

I am NOT harrassing you, just really confused why you would post something that you yourself have been guilty of. As far as mentioning about other posters pming you about me, don't even go there on that one.
Last edited by TPM
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
As far as mentioning about other posters pming you about me, don't even go there on that one.
I don't have any idea what they could be upset about unless disagreeing is not allowed on this board. The complaint someone didn't like how I referred to my wife as (his mother) was politically correct BS. Have a nice day!
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
It was on another board and you know exactly what I am talking about because I got a long explanation from you the night the "troll" showed up.

Again, if you have been guilty and vicious of the above why would you even POST something on the subject?
I still don't recollect. Therefore unless you want to name the player I'll have to assume it didn't happen. Assuming it did happen, the desire to bring an issue from another board to this board says a lot about you as a person, or should I say harasser. Unless you're going to name names in a PM or here, I would request you stop harassing me.

Add: I now recollect who you're talking about. It was after the poster had spent about a half a year taking personal shots at me. He still does. It's just very indirect now. Looking back it probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation. The only thing I can say in my defense is I did not initiate the confrontation. I never do.

Are you going to say you've never made a post you shouldn't have made (rhetorical question for inflection not requiring a response)? Like I stated it happened on another board. It doesn't say much for you bringing it here. Now get over it.
Last edited by RJM

Professional athletes are fair game. Especially if they admit to using illegal drugs. IMO - it isnt bashing - it is a discussion of how they admitted to cheating the game.

Trashing young kids is an entirely different subject.

As for me personally - D is fair game now. We dont have to like it - but really - all you can do is laugh it off.

I definitely dont feel that way about high school and college kids. Perhaps it is a double standard - but it is just the way I feel.
Ok I got it now, someone took shots at you, so in all fairness you take shots at his kid. Makes lots of sense to me. Roll Eyes

Fans take pot shots at all players, their own, other team players, it's normal. Once you cross that HS line you got to know there is a whole new world out there. But for a dad to go after a HS player that he knows, teh kids are friends because he has issues, is just wrong.

Some of the stuff the fans come up with is pretty darn funny - I have to admit.

My eldest - upon striking out - heard this one this past season as he was walking back to the dugout.

"Sit your """ down Guido - and stuff another Cannoli in your mouth".

LOL - Sorry - but even though I am his Dad - I thought that was pretty good. LOL
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Ok I got it now, someone took shots at you, so in all fairness you take shots at his kid. Makes lots of sense to me. Roll Eyes

Fans take pot shots at all players, their own, other team players, it's normal. Once you cross that HS line you got to know there is a whole new world out there. But for a dad to go after a HS player that he knows, teh kids are friends because he has issues, is just wrong.
You just have to keep harassing me and get in the last word, don't you? There's more to it but I'm going to let it drop. Once again, it says a lot about you you're trying to drag something here from another board and get in the middle of it. Now grow up and get over it.
Last edited by RJM
Regarding trashing pro players... On the road it is somewhat of an honor. But when the home crowd of 45,000 is unanimously booing you at the top of their lungs... Well that is something you can never prepare your child for. There is no practice that prepares you for that one.

You have to experience that before you realize how it makes you feel. There is nothing funny about it, even though they might be cheering for you later on. It's really kind of unusual.

Professional message boards are probably the most cruel of all message boards. The higher the level the more cruel the fans become. I suggest parents only look at them after son has a good game.

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