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I have faith that:
- The Bears will find an actual pass rush this week
- Grossman will actually run for a first down to keep the DEs honest.
- One of the Bears DBs will NOT drop a sure touchdown.
- OK or good Rex will show up. He was there last week; a couple of marginally underthrown balls that should have been caught, a couple of poor choices trying to outmanuever faster DLs, and some really well thrown balls. Good enough for me.
- Lovie will not fall asleep at the end of the game, and will either call an early timeout to give Hester a chance, or will not call a timeout at all, thus avoiding giving the opponent a last-second opportunity.

Bears 28 - Saints 17.
Can't believe that adults will sit in freezing weather and watch Grossman do anything.

I'll be sitting on the big lounge chair, with my feet up, ready to get up and go to the fridge and get a Coke and munchies, in 70 degree weather....
while all of you except the very rich amongst you...

Will be FREEZING your rear-ends off!!!

Saints 31

Bears 10

Grossman 2 picks and 2 fumbles. Griese gets put in during the 4th quarter and gets picked, too.

Urlacher has lots of tackles.

Lovie is not sure exactly where he's at or what happened. He's still looking for the truck that ran over him.

We are the Bears Shufflin' Crew
Shufflin' on down, doin' it for you.
We're so bad we know we're good.
Blowin' your mind like we knew we would.
You know we're just struttin' for fun
Struttin' our stuff for everyone.
We're not here to start no trouble.
We're just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle.

Sorry boys, but I'm sticking to my original thoughts! Grossman still stinks!! He does not have, or show the composer that I would expect from a championship quarterback. His passer rating has shone that. All of the credit must go to his offensive line, with an almost outstanding defense, except for their injuries. And as much as I disliked Benson last year because of his attitude, which probably hasn't changed, this kid is a "horse" and will be a super running back through the years, if he is injury free.

Their in for trouble if they play the Patriots, and would probably beat the Colts. Enough of my, IMHO, thoughts, its time to start refilling my pitcher of Bears "kool-aid" and get ready for Super Bowl Sunday.

At times you sound like a 10 year old kid who just got a new computer for his birthday--

By the way it is Peyton, not Payton, and he certainly wasn't running for his life---look at his drives to win the game

As for my dog leave her out of this discussion since you cannot even get the breed right

The hole you dig keeps getting wider and deeper---you are in over your head--- you try too hard to impress but you don't--you just continue to prove you have limited knowledge at best


The Grossman kid showed something yesterday and we should not lose the realization that football is a team sport-- QB's don't have to be great to win they just need to not make mistakes
Great games last night.

Bears have a handfull coming in a couple of weeks. Good pass rush in the Colts, trying to contain Manning's arm and ability in and out of the pocket is going to be interesting.

Grossman knows how to push my buttons better than my wife does...hall of fame type stuff. I love my wife in the most healthy way and, I spose, I love Grossman in the most dysfunctional way. The guy makes me crazy but we have to keep enabling him like an drug abuser...just to keep our collective sports sanity in line for a couple more weeks.

Hopefully we'll see an actual good super bowl game.

Who'd a thunk? Parity, keeping us on the edge of our seats. I spose it's good. It's a lot more exciting than seeing a couple of slick teams ride rough over the whole league. It sure does take it's toll on the nerves. I can get more chores done around the house during a Bears' game than I can in an entire long as the chores are in view of a t.v.

You guys? I can't sit still for these things, brutal.
Last edited by Coho
Da Bears!!!!!!!

Boomer, I hear you, on the one hand I see a guy out there who at times looks like he has never played the game and at other times he looks like a guy who has been doing it for a while. The only thing I know is that he is winning and gaining much needed experience that all young pros need. I remember when Farve came into the league and looked much the same. Not to say that he will ever be that good. I think he is what he is and in time will be better. How good, probably not ever a "guy" but possibly a servicable QB who has the ability to help take a team to the Super Bowl.

Ibach, give your Miami contributor the Month off and head South to keep us up to date on the big game.. Leave your computer here though.
Originally posted by FastballDad:

Going to the Super Bowl is more than merely surviving.

Da Bears.

You're right FastballDad...going to the Super Bowl involves much more than merely surviving.

It involves such things as getting airline reservations along with room reservations, renting a cool car, figuring out a suitable wardrobe, deciding which Da Bears official apparel and souvenirs to leave at home, arranging to have your front walk shoveled in the event of a snowstorm passing through while you're down in comfortable Miami, and finding someone to feed your iguana while you're away.

Yes...survival seems easy compared to doing all of the other stuff!

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