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I'd fire Lovie and his offensive coordinator, Turner. He did nothing at Illinois and he's doing nothing now.

Where was Urlacher during the last few minutes of the game and into overtime. Seems like Alexander had 5 runs up the middle for more than 10 yards.

Grossman will throw 2 interceptions and lose a ball with a fumble next week. Larry King can't help him.

Lovie doesn't get it. You pick up Griese for 6 million/year and you don't play him. How can I get a job with the Bears. They just throw money around.

Look for Deuce and #25 to have spectacular offensive games for the Saints.

They'll take the Bears out of their misery...Saints 31-10 over the hapless and quarterback-less Bears.

Mopey Mohammed...stop dancing....You almost lost the game for the Bears with your antics.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Grossman wasn't the problem at all today. He was better than most QB's this weekend.

Would have scored 34 without the drops.

The biggest problem is the defense....24 points allowed to an average team in the playoffs is too much.

Why would anyone want either Riviera or Turner for a head coach?

The defense is very flawed. They better hope for a messy day next weekend weather-wise.

They can beat the Saints, don't know if they will.

They will get killed by the Chargers if they both make it to The Super Bowl, and just plain beat by the Patriots shoudl they get there. Sad but true, all we can do is hope they suddenly get the D together.
The turning point was playoff seasoned Holmgren going for the first on fourth down. Game breaker for them. Grossman threw some nice balls today.
Find a way to get the ball into Devin Hesters hands a lot more. Urlacher seemed invisible at times and got juked more than once. If he fires up and brings his A game, get the sunscreen for Miami!
T. Johnson and Ogunleye made some big plays.
Last edited by Ibach
Been there..

Are you sure that wasn't Shoop calling the plays today? And it appeared that Urlacher was doubled up on many occasions, give credit to the Seahawks for neutralizing him. Grossman threw behind his receivers more than a couple of times and generally looked panicked in the pocket. What a shame he can't scramble. The offensive line was offensive alright, with three-man rushes getting to the QB. All in all, a harrowing game that added a handful of grays to my rapidly maturing mop. The price you pay for one more week.
Those of you in the North and Northwest suburbs are drinking too much Halas koolaid.

Be realistic.

How many balls were close to being picked? He lost one fumble and he'll lose a couple against the Saints. Add a couple of interceptions.

Bears spent $6 mill for Griese to sit? Game to game, Rex hasn't learned anything. STill doesn't know when to "eat" the ball. He's always looking to "make a play". Can't run worth a lick.

Deuce and Bush will have a field day.

I like the Bears but we are watching "different" games.

If you watched the post game show, Rex kept on talking about the win....he knew he didn't really do well. Heard his passer rating was only 76%.
Grossman played well with all the pressure of the world on him. The biggest problem with Rex is that he never steps up in the pocket. Whenever he feels any pressure at all, he runs to the outside and then has to throw it away or take a sack/throw a pic. The great QBs are able to step up in the pocket so that they still can use the entire field. When was the last time you saw Rex step up in the pocket?
Pitch your describing a true baller..Brett Favre.
Rex had some mistakes, but he was clutch when he needed to be and he did put the ball in the hands of that receiver late in the game, which was dropped.
If they can contain Bush and stop the breakaways, they should be OK. Alexander made some big gains today. He didn't exactly run wild.

Forget about this passer rating stuff. It is stupid. Peyton Manning had a passer rating of under 40 in their win against the Ravens. Does it really matter, they won the game? Anyway, it is Jay Mariotti's favorite stat so that's reason enough to ignore it.

Maybe it's kind of like HR's and RBI's in our game. It isn't how many, but when you get 'em that really counts.
All of you posters that were saying one and done were wrong. Did they win? The QB rating would have been much higher if Moose doesn't cause the interception and Berrian catches the throw for a TD.

Young players get more consistant with time.

What game were you guys watching? The only bad Rex I saw was when he had no time to get set. Yes he needs to step up in the pocket instead of running backwards and also needs to secure the ball better but he did play well.

Did you see Brady and Manning throw 3 picks each? Those guys are the greatest, but it's not easy.
Last edited by Sdawg34
Rex is not ALWAYS bad.If he was 6'3 he'd be a lot better.

Telling it like it is: Rex is the Bears achilles heel.

Gotta remember that if TR says its about the Saints being the better team, it's OK, however if I say that Rex will be the reason, it's not OK.......

and....Oh yeah, the Saints have Drew Brees, another big reason the Saints will win by 3 TD's.

If I'm wrong I promise to spend a weekend in NY...enough punishment for any normal person!
TR, I believe you have ADD.

I can't even agree with you without another NY insult popping out of your mouth.

Afflictions aside, please go jump in the east river because the Hudson would reject you.

Ballfan....Canes gear has always looked good on me and north side bars (providing they are straight)are great.....but lizard colors make me puke!

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