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CoachB, how is it going so far? Can you believe this weather? I think Coach Vogel actually went outside this week - he really prefers to stay in the first week. Basketball was extended last night - we beat Mascoutah 51-46. We face East Friday. I think we will be very competitive in baseball after all....many of these same kids were on that terrific golf team and now the basketball season has been such a big success. Last time we had this going like this, we were real good in baseball also.
Cardsfan14, we've gone out every day and worked until the sun has gone down. Made cuts last night and so, tonight, we will get down to business. As a coach, you'd like the speech I will give tonight before we get started. Tradition, friendship, love of the game, repect for others, our conference and competition, and finally the Qualities of a Baseball Knight. Even my assistant coaches get fired up for this one.

As with every year, I will then grab my imaginary hour glass and turn it over. Then, I'll announce to the seniors that their hour glass has been turned for the last time. When that sand runs out, they will be done. Then, I'll ask them how do they want their class to be remembered?

You sound like the ultimate motivater and your kids are very fortunate to understand what a team and program is at an early age. When your cheifs are good the indians are always good warriors...Good luck to you guys down there.
Although I dont' feel luck will play much of a part.
Still waiting for my Hour glass to get clogged. LOL
Originally posted by CoachB25:

As with every year, I will then grab my imaginary hour glass and turn it over. Then, I'll announce to the seniors that their hour glass has been turned for the last time. When that sand runs out, they will be done. Then, I'll ask them how do they want their class to be remembered?

Coach:'s a good thing that I'm not in your gym, I'd be crying like a baby! Just READING it I'm crying! WOW! cry

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