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Actually the highest forecast for the next week is 113. No doubt it is hot, but not as hot as it sounds. Drink plenty of water and find a little shade and you should be fine. Make sure the players drink lots of water the night before. It is called pre-hydrating and is very important. The temps are pretty normal. Up to 105 is downright pleasant. 105 to 110 is not too bad (where it will be most of next week, I bet). Anything over 112 is very hot, but tolerable as long as you are smart about it. By the way, anything under 100 at night is great. Hope your team does well and that you have a great time!
Last edited by jemaz
It was 114 during warm ups before a summer varsity game in the San Fernando Valley in good ol' So Cal on Wednesday. It cooled down to a balmy 109 at game time. So we were given a literal warm up for Peoria. Yep it was 114 when we arrived in Peoria at about 6:00 pm. We drove the 1 block to the theater near our hotel and watched Incredible Hulk. It was still 104 degrees this evening in Peoria, Arizona at 10:30 pm. We stocked our mini fridge with a case of water and gatorade then turned the fridge on to MAX COLD. Hoping some bottles will freeze to help delay the melting of the ice in the ice chests.
Last edited by MTS
jemaz, I'm glad to hear 113 from you. I got the 118 number from a friend who lives in Chandler. We've played down here before when it was that hot, and it just drains you big time. If it doesn't get over 113 next week, that'll be easy.

My players started working on their hydration over a week ago, and they're all pretty well taken care of in that regard, so as long as they keep drinking regularly all day, every day, they should be fine.

Can't wait to get on the field on Saturday and start playing some games.
I remember that weather from 2 summers ago. Even the walk from the parking lot to the field was like a death march!

Jemaz, regarding your quote: "Up to 105 is downright pleasant. 105 to 110 is not too bad (where it will be most of next week, I bet). Anything over 112 is very hot, but tolerable as long as you are smart about it."

Speak for yourself! Eek

Going to Phoenix in the summer to play in those tournaments is just a rite of passage - enjoy the beautiful city & it's wonderful fields. I hope you are staying at a good hotel with those awesome pools with those cheap summertime rates.

You will be able to tell stories about this trip often in the later years - we were just telling about our July trip to Phoenix (probably 5 years ago)this last week to friends. I really am sure it really was 115 in the shade when we were there Great memories!!
I'll take 114 in Arizona over 95 in Orlando anytime. Not even close. I played AZ Instructional League years ago and when arriving back home at the airport in Florida and getting off the plane(no closed ramps back then) the humidity hit me so hard I wanted to get back on the plane-took me a week to get used to it again.

The weather in Florida is why so many teams initially spring trained here-it'll get a body in shape real fast. Not sure moving ST sites to AZ is the best thing for some of the teams.

BTW it gets REAL hot and humid in Iowa also Big Grin.
Whether it's playing in an oven or a sauna, it's hard if that's not what you're used to. Players and umps passing out during summer tournies in FL isn't unusual. Heck, it can even be a problem in January when the players from the extreme North come down for Christmas Camps --- their bodies are prepared for below freezing, and they come down here to 65F and sweat like it's the 4th of July!

I don't believe I've ever heard the weather reports in Orlando say it's over 100 here; even when my backyard, in-the-shade-thermometer said it was considerably higher than 100F. I think there's an agreement to NEVER let the tourists know how hot it really is, or they won't leave their hotel rooms! Cool
I was talking to one of son's teammates from Texas a few weeks back and he said that he'd take the dry heat anytime over the humidity. He remembers getting off the plane and thought he landed in a suana. Eek
Spring Training here is very deceiving on the body. The weather is obviously perfect for TRAINING and most do very well. Then they head off to colder parts and the body goes into shock, bats that were hot go cold, arms stiffen up.

I can't go to Orlando in the summer anymore. What a difference mid state to on the coast. Of course that often happens when you build where nature intended it to be swampland. Smile
These posts remind me of our last trip to Peoria, AZ for an AAU tourney (I think it was AAU ... all those vowels get me confused). We were at a hotel almost across the street from the Padres' facility, long before all the new buildings were there, and it was typically hot. Games were scheduled in the early morning ... very very early ... and late afternoon and we all took siestas in the midday or went to the movie (that is where we saw Eddie Murphy in "The Clumps").

Anyway, it was in the days of my still smokiing and one time I went outside to have a cigarette, sitting casually on a cement bench of sorts outside the front door. One of our coaches came down, needing to get something from his car. He runs over, opens the back hatch, only to realize what he wants is NOT there ... so he had to go to the front door. Only problem ... HE WAS IN HIS BARE FEET !!! The expression on his face when he realized what he had done was far from comical ... it was painful and I can't imagine how badly he burned the soles of his feet. But everytime I am near or hear about Peoria, I think of that poor coach.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
Ft Meyers....uuughhh, I lived 2 years in Orlando and was never that hot and humid as Ft Meyers in late July or August...I've umped up here in the Jacksonille area and seen my share of guys have to leave the game...down course we're back down there yet again for PG's BCS Championships in guess got it end of July early August...umbrellas will be out, spritz bottles will be employed and we should all say a prayer for those umps...they are gonna melt yet again.

Hey PG!! Strike a deal like the ACC did with the Baseball Yard in Jacksonville Big Grin...nice weather...better airport....several very high quality university/college fields all over town, with much less expensive lodgeing....come on up.

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