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"you can fry an egg on the sidewalk"- North Texas, 97 degrees

It's not as bad as 1980, thankfully...
In Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, high temperatures exceeded 100 °F (38 °C) a total of 69 times, including a record 42 consecutive days from June 23 to August 3. Dallas/Fort Worth reached an all-time high when the temperature hit 113 °F (45 °C) on three consecutive days on June 26–28. In all, the Dallas/Fort Worth area saw 29 days in which the previous record high temperature was either broken or tied. Dallas also had 28 days above 105 and five days above 110. Some of the DFW records were eclipsed by the 2011 heat wave, but 1980 still stands out for its extreme heat.

"molasses flows like water"
Last edited by baseballmom
It's so hot that it's hotter than two rats having relations in a drawer full of wool socks.

When I accepted the position of athletic director in April they told me I would have to cut grass on the athletic fields during the summer. It didn't sound so bad in April but today when I cut from 8 am to 5 pm (with an hour and 20 minute lunch break) I was about ready to quit. I put three layers of sun screen on although the third layer was fairly useless since I was caked in dirt and grass.

Oh well I get to head to West Virginia for a week tomorrow.

Also, if you made it this far.....bless your heart because most of this post is pretty pointless.
"you can fry an egg on the sidewalk"- North Texas, 97 degrees

We had a newspaper reporter here try that last week. It didn't work... Apparently it needs to be >140 degrees

It didn't sound so bad in April but today when I cut from 8 am to 5 pm (with an hour and 20 minute lunch break) I was about ready to quit. I put three layers of sun screen on although the third layer was fairly useless since I was caked in dirt and grass.

You have grass to cut?
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:

It didn't sound so bad in April but today when I cut from 8 am to 5 pm (with an hour and 20 minute lunch break) I was about ready to quit. I put three layers of sun screen on although the third layer was fairly useless since I was caked in dirt and grass.

You have grass to cut?

I was totally amazed as well. The football field needed because we have sprinklers keeping it green but the other fields were a little shaggy. Sand was flying everywhere as I was cutting.
BAseballmom: I remember summer of 1980 very well. I just graduated from college and I umpired every night in June and half of July before going off to a real job. It was the hottest we've ever had up here too. People claimed that popcorn popped in their cupboards...
Coach Butler, you beat me to it, that chili does look good... even today!!!!

Yesterday I was painting a house and I was painting the exterior of a chimney for a gas fireplace... well, she still had her pilot light on and heat was coming off that thing like the devil's pitchfork... it was a cooker i will tell ya.
stay cool folks... in a few months we'll be talking about scooping snow out of the way to get in a little longtoss.
Originally posted by baseballmom:
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

It's so hot we're moving to Houston just to cool off!



Good one, woody!

Woodrow, anytime Chicago is in triple digets, you guys must just melt. For us here in St. Louis, this is normal but you're up by Lake Michigan. In my mind, that is always cool.
Hot weather requires just a little more water, a little more sun lotion, a little more air conditioning. That post-game shower feels extra good, too.

I'd rather sweat everything out in this weather than shovel snow and put hand warmers in my pocket to play a baseball game.

Here in DC, it is the 11th straight 95+ degree day, which is a record. Yesterday's temperature reached 105 degrees, another record for the day (and one degree off the all-time record for the city). I am scheduled to start the front end of a doubleheader tonight beginning at 5 PM, but today's high is only 101, with a heat index of 110.

After spending the summer of 2010 playing in the Carolinas, this is child's play. And after spending four years playing in upstate New York, this is better than snow!
My son's team has 16 games in 17 days. Very happy to report that it isn't hot! I really don't remember how we dealt with it in Houston for all those years.

JH, I have a theory that you develop a preference for whatever weather you didn't grow up in.

But back to the topic: It is so hot that I have 14 relatives from Texas headed my way.
Originally posted by twotex:
My son's team has 16 games in 17 days. Very happy to report that it isn't hot! I really don't remember how we dealt with it in Houston for all those years.

JH, I have a theory that you develop a preference for whatever weather you didn't grow up in.

But back to the topic: It is so hot that I have 14 relatives from Texas headed my way.
Tell them to bring their ski jackets for when they're cold at night. Smile When I first lived in southern CA I was shocked to see people wearing ski jackets at night in the winter because it was 50-55. Then I became one of them. When we moved to the Conejo Valley it was 40-45 at night in the winter.

I've lived in various parts of North America. The best weather is summmer in Toronto. The best year round weather is southern CA if you live at the beach and not inland. I lived in Redondo Beach for years.
Last edited by RJM

I'm certain they're all totally hilarious's just that some folks get their laughs, chortles, or guffaws hung up on various structures in the back of their mouth. Sometimes what is hilarious and very deserving of a rip-roaring laugh gets hung up, or as some say "gets uvulaid", and then with passage of time becomes reduced to nothing more than a wry smile that is barely perceptible.

If you've ever noticed someone with a blank look on their face and their jaw is moving rhythmically chances are they are working on digesting a laugh that got hung up or uvulaid...much like a cow chewing her cud.

And this Niki Minaj that you mentioned? Does he/she/it have quite a mouth?

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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