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Originally posted by RJM:
Originally posted by zombywoof:
The Yankees are getting me cranky now.
Zomby .... I was driving to Boston Friday night. I listened to the first half of the game on the Yankees broadcast. How did Susan Waldman get a job in the booth? She's the queen of the obvious. It's like having an average fan tell you what they saw and passing it off as analysis? I heard her once last year and thought the same.

You want her back? She's from Beantown anyway..LOL....Man, she's pathetic...Take her back already!!!!Big Grin

Remember Suzyn when "Rawjah" came back to rescue the Yankees? Here's the clip:
Last edited by zombywoof
Jones, Bowden, Bard ...... Look at all the pitching even though DiceK is resting and Smoltz is ramping up. And the Sox just reacquired Kason Gabbard from the Rangers. Don't forget in the minors is a prospect who's already pitching a MLB no-hitter in Buckholtz. There's also the Japanese kid Tazawa. Why the Sox don't bundle some prospects for Teagarden or Saltamaccia is beyond me.
Last edited by RJM
Gee, what half a billion bucks can't buy...

The next Mastercard commercial:

...overweight disappointing lefty ,161 million

...hometown forgetting underachieving first baseman, 180 million

....surly third baseman who shoots up, lies, and cheats on his wife, but signs contract on the date the Mitchell report is released, 275 million

....buying a pennant, priceless, we think-we'll call the Red Sox and get back to you on that.
A Red Sox fan liked to amuse himself by scaring every Yankees fan he saw strutting down the street in an obnoxious NY pinstripe shirt. He would swerve his van as if to hit them, then swerve back just missing them.

One day, while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?" "I'm going to give Mass at St. Francis church, about two miles down the road," replied the priest. "Climb in, Father. I'll give you a lift!" The priest climbed into the passenger seat, and they continued down the road.

Suddenly, the driver saw a Yankees fan walking down the road, and he instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back onto the road just in time. Even though he was certain that he had missed the guy, he still heard a loud THUD. Not knowing where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors but still didn't see anything.

He then remembered the priest, and he turned to the priest and said, "Sorry, Father, I almost hit that Yankees fan."

"That's OK," replied the priest, "I got him with the door."
Originally posted by RJM:
I care. My son cares he has practice Saturday and can't go.

Glad to know we're not the only ones who have forfeited Sox tix for practice. Last summer, my son was practicing for 13YO Babe Ruth All-Stars and positions hadn't been solidified yet. He was hoping to play 2B tho. He received 4 Sox tix (don't recall opponent) for having helped a neighbor out (fed his cat everyday while on vacation).

But when we saw the date, my son immediately said "I can't go; I don't want someone else to practice at 2B and catch up!". My wife and daughter were VERY unhappy w/ this decision, but I fully supported it. He ended up earning 2B and started every game there and played 5+ innings each game.

As it turned out, I later mentioned it to the coach and he said "Oh, you should've gone!". But who knows? If the other second baseman had a really great practice that day, my son might not have gotten the opportunity that he'd worked so hard for a few weeks of practice.

My wife and daughter got over it, and my son has another lifelong good baseball memory. I'll take THAT over attending a pro game any day. Smile

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