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Grandepapi: Weather outside to day is 80 degrees with humidity at 24%...home prices in SoCal are dropping faster than Paris Hilton’s panties on a Saturday night…We have an Austrian weight lifter for Governor…and a USC running back that gets away with murder. We are the Land of Fruits and Nuts….most of the fruits are in city by the bay and city of angels, and the nuts, well….we sell them as blue diamonds. I hear more Espanola and Vietnamese than the kings English, we can’t smoke tobacco, but mary jane is ok….but….and here’s the Bigger Bullwinkle Butt….we can play baseball twelve months out of the year….life is sweet.
While all this may be true...

Junior picks up a baseball on Monday for the first time since July surgery and will attempt to throw it 45 feet a total of 60 times. With fingers crossed the anticipation hasn't been this high since I watched the arc of soft tossed tennis balls come towards the little shaver, intently watching, whiffle bat in hand, wondering if contact would be made. Anticipation that has a timeline that stretches out months and has a culmination date of 2/21/09...the second day of the college baseball season. Hoping that over that timeframe, all the news will be of the kind that warms a father from the inside during the frigid Chicago nights. Hoping there's a trip to The Davidson Tournament in NC that opening weekend in February to cheer juniors return to the hill.

A winter of hoping........
Last edited by CPLZ
Southpaw Son and I were having this discussion just yesterday.

The MLB season is over ... but we will survie the winter reliving the August night, when we had flown from VA to CA for a PG tournament, when we went to Angels stadium only to have Brian Roberts of the O's foul the second pitch of the game right to my son. A great catch with his lefty Catcher's mitt.

(don't worry ... it's the one I use to catch him)

That, and winter workouts, will keep baseball alive while the grass is dead ... and very soon, Southpaw Son will be competing to earn a spot on the Varsity roster of his new HS.

Only 135 Day to opening day.
Mom, are you bringing candy for me? I have some Twix in the mini-fridge, but that ain't enough Wink

Once football is over here in 4 weeks, I'll be ready for baseball. Until then, I don't have enough time to worry about the lack of baseball Wink

Before you know it, all will be well-- it'll be baseball season once again.

CPLZ, hope your son has a fast recovery.

**Edited because I didn't like something else I had put**
Last edited by Bulldog 19
Lift with the legs Woody, not the back!

Hey, you know I do just about anything to help a friend, but right now I'm looking at some mighty tasty enchiladas on the table, and you know I'm a sucker for my wife's cooking.
Maybe this guy can help you out. I hear Mr. Sheets has a rubber arm...just the thing to handle those rubber sheets. Big Grin Wink

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