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I remember my senior collegiate football season as each game went by I knew that the end of my athletic "career" was one week closer.  It felt like a part of me was gradually dying.  I can't imagine what its like for a kid whose senior season is just starting to have it abruptly taken away.   

FAU was set to play UPenn @ 4pm this afternoon, when I arrived players and parents on both teams found out that it was official (season canceled) and they could not play and the Upenn boys were crying and screaming.  Our boys went over to console them.

I spoke to a UPenn dad in the parking lot, he had told me that so many students receive endowments and the universities could be in jeopardy of losing those funds if they did not comply with the league.   

While in the stands, a mom had just gotten a call that her daughter had to pack up and leave Brandeis by the weekend.  



Ripken Fan posted:

Ivy League ended tonight in Jacksonville as Yale fell to Jacksonville. Coach Stuper definitely got the seniors in. A long time HSBBWEB's son got the start and pitched the first three scoreless. Also fitting that the ace senior pitcher, who was DH, pitched the 8th (down several runs) and struck out his last batter. 

That's odd. 15 minutes before FAU and UPEN were to take field yesterday, the game was cancelled due to official announcement of IL canceling season. UPen would have loved to play. I am assuming it was not an official game.

Too bad that no one, including the conferences  and NCAA, seems to have no clue.

EDIT  IL pulling out may have created a huge issue if the rest of the  D1 baseball season is played.   The NCAA will have to make adjustments.  The object is to win as many games as you can on your schedule and forfeiting games doesnt help the RPI.


Last edited by TPM
TPM posted:
Ripken Fan posted:

Ivy League ended tonight in Jacksonville as Yale fell to Jacksonville. Coach Stuper definitely got the seniors in. A long time HSBBWEB's son got the start and pitched the first three scoreless. Also fitting that the ace senior pitcher, who was DH, pitched the 8th (down several runs) and struck out his last batter. 

That's odd. 15 minutes before FAU and UPEN were to take field yesterday, the game was cancelled due to official announcement of IL canceling season. UPen would have loved to play. I am assuming it was not an official game.

Too bad that no one, including the conferences  and NCAA, seems to have no clue.

EDIT  IL pulling out may have created a huge issue if the rest of the  D1 baseball season is played.   The NCAA will have to make adjustments.  The object is to win as many games as you can on your schedule and forfeiting games doesnt help the RPI.


The most frustrating part of all of this is the knee jerk and diverse responses happening around the country. I'm thrilled with Big10's answer of continuing season but limiting who can attend games. Similarly, both my kids are at state schools in Iowa, where they will have online classes for two weeks following spring break (next week) and then reevaluate. Dorms and dining halls remain open, but they do ask you to alert the school if you're coming back so they know where people are. Seems like we need to be taking this a day or a week at a time and see how things go rather than just eliminating entire seasons of sports or semesters of classes.


Many of the schools that are cancelling athletics (including Ivy) are those where 90+% of students live on-campus.  Dorms are worse than cruise ships; if one students gets this virus, they will all have it.  That's a lot for a school to handle, and it would kill athletics anyway.  I reluctantly agree that they really do have to close the dorms, and better to do it before students bring the virus home with them (we hope).  The people it's worst for are those whose homes are not suitable for online learning.

For Big Ten and other schools, where a large number of students live off-campus, they can't actually keep the students out of town, so they might as well "stay open."  My guess is that when one person on a team gets the virus, that team is going to be shut down - or if not, they will all get sick, and won't be able to play anyway.  Would you want your son on a bus/airplane with virus-stricken people?  What about all the trainers, coaches, umpires, etc.?   I'm assuming that's why the NBA shut down.

Ripken Fan posted:

Ivy League ended tonight in Jacksonville as Yale fell to Jacksonville. Coach Stuper definitely got the seniors in. A long time HSBBWEB's son got the start and pitched the first three scoreless. Also fitting that the ace senior pitcher, who was DH, pitched the 8th (down several runs) and struck out his last batter. 

Swarthmore Coach Midkiff got his srs in too. Cool moment when a seldom used outfielder jacked one over the 400 sign in dead center. Team went wild. 

Last edited by smokeminside

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