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Jaramillo's Baseball Club of Texas is now scheduling workouts for our 18U team for the 2008/2009 season. This is for the upcoming season which begins 8/1/08 and ends 7/31/09.

- Each "annual" season is divided into two stages:

Stage 1 - The Fall is the "Spring Training" program. This detailed program is designed to insure the athlete is functioning at peak performance going into the next High School or College Baseball season.

Training will given by the Jaramillo Professional staff which also includes the Owner, Aaron Jaramillo and Cincinnatti Reds minor league hitting instructor Tony Jaramillo. The program will be focused on the following:

- "Professional" Mental approach
- Speed Development,
- Strength and Conditioning,
- Position specific fundamentals and techniques,
- Hitting Instruction with Aaron and Tony Jaramillo,
- "In game" mental skills training.

Stage 2 - Spring/Summer Season
- Skills application and game performance evaluation with follow up training,
- Intense game schedules and competitions,
- Exposure to pro scouts and college coaches.

If interested please send E-mail with name, age, position, contact information, high school name and graduation year to
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Attempting to respond to the many E-mails:

- No, there is no cost for the private workout and never will be.
- Yes, the training programs (offense, defense, pitching, and speed/strength/conditioning) are moduled so you can get as intense as you want or just work on specifics.
- Yes, the teams will be playing in the "big name" showcase events as well as the potential for International play.

If interested please send E-mail with name, age, position, contact information, high school name and graduation year to
Jaramillo's Baseball Club's private workout for 16U and 18U will be held Saturday 8/2/08 beginning at 6:30 PM at the Lake Dallas High School baseball field.

This is a private workout and will be closed to the general public.

If you have not sent an E-mail requesting a workout but would like to participate, please E-mail JBCTEAMMANAGER@ATT.NET.

If you are interested but cannot make it to this workout, please let me know and we can discuss scheduling another time for you personally.

The Lake Dallas Baseball field is in the very back of the school property. Turn in at the 1st entrance past the school building and follow the parking lot, past the football stadium, all the way to the baseball fields in the back. Go in through the third base side gate.

Here is the link to a map to the school:,texas%20us&mag=5...210%20&gid1=18903714

If you have any questions or need anything at all please let me know.
Hello and a tremendous thank you to everyone who has inquired about our club and for the wonderful comments about our organization and our players.

Let me start by saying THIS WEB SITE IS AMAZING!!!

It is unbelievable how many messages and phone calls and how many conversations have been generated because of this web site. The greatness of all who are responsible for it's existance and it's maintenance should be proclaimed. If you are watching, please PM me so we can somehow be a supporter of something so valuable to the greatest game on earth in it's most innocent and wonderful form, High School Baseball!!

Our club:

The thing that we have come to realize is that we are soooooo different from any other club team or amatuer baseball organization, that parents have a hard time grasping our philosophy and our mission.

In an attempt to provide insight to our club and to try and answer all the questions I've received to the best of my ability:

Our owner and his family were never involved in the "rec ball" or "select baseball" world. They have been raised in and around professional baseball only. They do not understand why parents think that their "association" with a particular "Club" means that their son will be given college and professional opportunities. They have seen hundreds of players that have been proclaimed to be something because "they played for the -----'s or the -------'s or ----", only to watch them get cut or sent home because they did not have the fundamental skills and techniques required to be successful at the next level.

- The foremost thing to know about the Jaramillo's Baseball Club is that we exist only for the purpose of developing players......not winning tournaments so we can hang banners from our walls and call ourselves the best _ _U team in the country.

- To that end, we will never post on our web site, in a self serving attempt to somehow claim resonsibility for their success, the names of any and every player who's ever even spoke to us in passing that made it to college or the pro's.

- We understand that every player's success is a result of their God given gifts and of them taking "personal responsibility" for utilizing the training and opportunities they have been provided.

- We understand that God has blessed us with the abilities and opportunities to be a part of His greater plan for the lives of our athletes and we take that responsibility very seriously.

- We will never be "watered down" like other organizations who constantly attempt to become bigger and bigger in order to make more and more money off the dreams of their untrained players.

- We will also never allow ourselves to become "watered down" in our training or our standards because we do not kneel at the feet of the almighty dollar.

- We will only have as many teams as we can effectively train to the standards we set and our training or coaching will never be given by anyone who has not played professionally unless they have been evaluated, trained, and certified by the Jaramillo's.

- Parents and players, you cannot count on always being the biggest, strongest, fastest player or team. There will always be some player somewhere more athletically gifted and some team whose owner is willing to pay for the best "Joe Stud" athletes to play for his team. Or even worse, uses the money paid all year by the "contractually bound" parents to cover the cost of "Joe Stud" so he can come in and take post season playing opportunities away from the players who went to war together all year. All this is done so they can call themselves the best and ba$k in their own glory. Where i$ the glory in that? We cannot $ee it. Can you?

- We have and we will continue to win plenty of games and tournaments by making sure our players have been given the opportunity to be the most "fundamentally sound" players on the field.

-When we do win, we win because our players, no matter how big, strong, fast or athletically gifted, are successful in the application of our training principles during game situations.

-We will never scream at our players or treat them in a negative way. They are our family and are deserving of the respect, patience, understanding and love that comes with that.

-We would never, as we've seen here on this site and others, make a comment that was intended to portray any player or parent in a negative way or to demean them as individuals or competitors, no matter what the gripe or complaint or accusation directed at our club. We make mistakes because we are not perfect. Players make mistakes because they are not perfect. Parents make mistakes because they are not perfect. There has been, and will be again, only One who is perfect.

-Nothing good can come from negativity. You can't fix a negative with a negative. If we have nothing positive to say, we do not say anything. When we lose or play below our potential, it doesn't do any good to tell this player or that player what they did wrong. No one knows it more than the player. Why do coaches and parents want to beat it to death? Do they not know the game? It is failure by design. Embrace it. Be thankful for it. You cannot learn or improve without failure. Success is an enemy who will steal your potential. Failure is your friend who shows you how to get better and makes you see the truth.

-There once lived a man, who willingly gave his life for his beliefs and his people. He said that "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. And hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that". He was told the Truth, and guided by the Light so he could find and proclaim the Way. We pray that the same Truth and Light be our guide so we can always find our Way.

-To all those players that came out, your efforts and attitudes were excellent (the only thing you can control) and we look forward to seeing you again. We will send E-mails to you all and also post here, the details of our next workout.

-For those that could not make it and wanted to reschedule, I know who you are and I will let you know the details as well, as soon as possible.

-For those of you that have not yet shown an interest, you will.

To those of you who have expressed an interest in playing for our club,

Please join us at the Lake Dallas High School Baseball field this Sunday, August 10th. We will begin signing everyone in at 5:00 PM. The workout will begin at 5:30PM. Our returning players will join the workout at 7:00PM.

We will make our roster decisions and communicate those decisions to the parents and players at the end of the workout. The final rosters will combine our returning players with players that we have seen or will see at our workouts.

Sunday will be the last "group" workout held, and private workouts will not be available after Wednesday August 13th unless specific arrangements have been made.

If you are interested in attending and have not notified me, please contact me at the E-mail address below.

If you cannot make it and have an interest in our club, please contact me immediately so I can schedule a private workout as soon as possible

Baseball field is in the very back of the school property. Turn in at the 1st entrance past the school building and follow the parking lot, past the football stadium, all the way to the baseball fields in the back. Go in through the third base side gate.

Thank you.

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