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Son played in a wood bat tourney over the weekend (his first) and for the most part it was enjoyable. The host had numerous teams entered, we played two. We lost to the younger of the two and they seemed to be a well coached, well mannered group. We beat one of the older teams and their actions and words were the polar opposite of the younger group. Really silly junk, outrageously aggresive base running (ran them out of two innings)lack of game knowledge, two coaches ended up being run, and then the kicker... following what was the game turning play, their pitcher goes earhole as my son is next up. I had fully expected that from this crew however one of their parents then suggested he throw another his way ??? Unfortunately at this point I used some language I'd like to have back. I will admit the Plate ump was one of the poorer officials I've seen, but, as hosts you would think they would have already known that. Is this a common occurance for this host ? Really enjoyed the format but won't go back if this is the norm.
An educated man went to visit a Zen master. He wished to learn what the Zen master knew. The master invited him in for tea and listened as his visitor told of his outstanding education. As the visitor talked on and on about his long and valuable education, the Zen master began pouring more tea for the man, until his cup was overflowing and the tea was spilling onto the man and onto the floor. “Stop,” the man said, “My cup is already too full; it cannot hold anymore.” “Yes,” said the Zen Master.
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