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Jeter shut everyone up? He had his second worst career on base percentage. He had his second worst career slugging percentage. He had his second worst OPS percentage. He hit .259 with runners in scoring position. He had the least number of extra base hits in his career. His range in the field is as questionable as ever. The only weaker season was the previous season.

If you want a singles hitting shortstop with limited range in the field who hits .259 with runners in scoring position, Jeter is your man.

I have a lot of respect for Jeter's career. He was a clutch player. He was a winner. Now that he has his 3,000 hits it's time for the Yankees to look for a replacement in the field and at the plate.
Last edited by RJM
RJM, you're obviously a huge Yankee fan so I'll agree with your statistical assessment of Jeter but I am surprised by the anger. I thought Jeter would command a little more respect. I think he still has a field presence that is good for the team.

Until someone else better comes along. So who would that be? An existing major leaguer? A Yankee minor leaguer? Yankees are notorious for not developing players. Maybe that's getting better.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the pitching staff was more questionable than the SS so Jeter isn't the first one to blame.

Guess I'm sentimental and don't want to see #2 leave the game.
Last edited by biggerpapi
I'm not angry. I'm calling it as I see it. I'm also not a Yankee fan. I respect Jeter's past success and career. If you want to see me rip up a team let's talk Red Sox baseball. I'm a fan. But I can be more objective than passionate. I don't live and die by the results. A winning game or season is something to talk about. A bad game or season is like seeing a bad movie. You move on to something more entertaining. In the case of the Sox, it's the Patriots and Bruins.

At my kid's high school sports I always stood or sat there analyzing. Parents would say I was the most calm person in the stands or on the sidelines. Because I was so calm a parent once informed me if we (the high school) lost the district game (they did) it's over. I responded, "The sun will still come up tomorrow (it did)." My son is still playing.
Last edited by RJM
The Texas Rangers love Michael Young as he is the heart and soul of the team, much like Jeter is with the Yankees. But when the team had the chance to vastly improve at shortstop with Elvis Andrus, they did and MY was moved to 3rd. This year, when the Rangers had the chance to improve 3rd base by going from average defense to one of the best in the majors with Beltre, they did. Look where the Rangers are and how great the left side of that infield is.

Sometimes moves have to be made for the benefit of the team. Shortstop is a critical position that can save your pitchers' work load. It wasn't easy for Michael Young to accept the moves but he has and loves what Beltre and Andrus have brought to the team.

Derek Jeter may have to look at what is best for the Yankees and move to another position. But, as a Rangers fan, I hope he is stubborn and refuses to move...

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