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I'm watching Baseball Tonight and they were on the in studio "field" breaking down the Cubs / Marlins game where the Marlins ran a double steal.

First and third for the Marlins and the runner on third breaks for home (LHP on the mound so he can't see him) and the runner on first sees this and breaks for second. So the pitcher goes to first because that's what he sees and the runner on third scores because Derrick Lee can't get the ball to the plate quick enough.

Anyway they are breaking down the play so people understand what happened. They were talking about how to defend it and Kruk said the best way is to have the LHP lift his right leg and hold it there for a second or two.

Obviously this is a balk but it's also not what happened. Both runners broke as he came set and the pitcher just lifted and went to first.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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That ESPN "field" makes me cringe. Just silly stuff to fill airtime. And its worse when old retired guys in suits try to act like ballplayers! Too funny. Valentine taking a lead off first had to make his Joseph A Banks salesman cringe.

Even Garciapara seemed embarassed that he had to participate, but the Kruker was having fun goofing off--AND being wrong.

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