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Originally Posted by justbaseball:


I'm just not sure at all what to say about those things.  Perhaps you'd be happy with your daughter dating Johnny 'ItsAllAboutMe?'


I wouldn't.


I don't equate doing perfectly legal things off the field, and being a good quarterback, to dating a hypothetical daughter. I don't even know how to make that parallel, nor how it has anything to do with Manziel as an athlete. But, I guess given the work ethic and dedication it takes to be a world-class, elite athlete and succeeding to be one of the best on the planet in his given sport, I suppose a 21 year old enjoying tequila and bikinis is something I really, really don't see as an issue. At all. 

I know we've discussed this before, justbaseball, and I seem to be a minority on this site with these types of opinions. But I don't care, it won't change. There's nothing wrong with a 21 year old legally enjoying himself. I don't think there is now and I won't ever think there is.
Originally Posted by jp24:



- Padres get about as much mileage out of Johnny as the Rangers did Wilson: Token.

- Browns exert control.

- Manziel's luster fades over the next 24 months.

- Johnny never meets JH's daughter.



I hope not. Manziel has twenty-one years already on JHs daughter who hasn't been born or even thought about yet. JH might have to smack Manziel if the situation arises.



I can't speak for everybody, but I agree with you.  I see nothing wrong with a 21 year old single guy enjoying life and having fun.  I remember when I was 21 there wasn't a party I wouldn't go to.  Manziel may even be a heck of a guy on the inside.  It wouldn't surprise me one bit.


But, as an almost 52 year old man, I've seen this act before....and it is tiring.   His public persona rubs me the wrong way, and I can't help to feel that way.  I'm being honest and I'm willing to bet many feel that way.  When Manziel finally gets drafted....his first gesture is to pretend to rub money with his finger/hands....I shake my head and immediately lose respect for that individual.  He clearly doesn't get it.   It glorifies the image of the greedy spoiled athlete and it discounts all the hard work he's put into his sport. It may do wonders for ticket sales and TV appearances right now, but many will tire of his act.  Then what?  He'll grow up and maybe then we'll see the real Johnny Manziel.  He is best served by taking cues from the leaders in his sport; Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, etc....  JMO.

But, as an almost 52 year old man, I've seen this act before....and it is tiring.   His public persona rubs me the wrong way, and I can't help to feel that way.  I'm being honest and I'm willing to bet many feel that way.  When Manziel finally gets drafted....his first gesture is to pretend to rub money with his finger/hands....I shake my head and immediately lose respect for that individual.  He clearly doesn't get it.   It glorifies the image of the greedy spoiled athlete and it discounts all the hard work he's put into his sport. It may do wonders for ticket sales and TV appearances right now, but many will tire of his act.  Then what?  He'll grow up and maybe then we'll see the real Johnny Manziel.  He is best served by taking cues from the leaders in his sport; Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, etc....  JMO.

Yep. Thats how I feel.


JH - You mistakenly think my view is only all about drinking and carousing and such stuff.  For me, its about the stuff fenway wrote and about the character of and signals sent by someone who finds the need to flaunt it alongside of the drinking and carousing.  Its all about him…to him.


In my view…to quote fenway, "He clearly doesn't get it."


He is one of the last public personalities I'd ever wanna meet.  Truth be told, I'd avoid it.

Last edited by justbaseball
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

He is best served by taking cues from the leaders in his sport; Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, etc....  JMO.

Peyton Manning: Committed sexual assault while at Tennessee, tried to get some witnesses to lie about it for him, and then after a gag order everyone signed was issued, he wrote a book with his dad trashing her again causing her to get fired. Real good role model there.

Johnny Football will be all about fun, partying, etc.....until his first Sunday afternoon that he has to stand across the line of scrimmage from NFL DE's and Linebackers who aren't on his team....and are allowed to hit him....unlike what he'll face in practice.    I'm guessing he'll realize real quick that his life is no longer fun 24/

Originally Posted by justbaseball:

I'm just not sure at all what to say about those things.  Perhaps you'd be happy with your daughter dating Johnny 'ItsAllAboutMe?'


I wouldn't.

Not sure how this factors in.  Tom Brady is mentioned in later posts as a ideal but he had a child out of wedlock, have to view that as less than stellar behavior.  Charles Barkley has it right, we should not look to athletes to be role models.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so love him or hate him you won't ignore him.  That will help him make some money (fingers rubbing together here) and you know what...good for him.  No matter who you are the NFL chews you up and spits you out so make it and take it while you can.  They are all seconds away from oblivion.

Originally Posted by luv baseball:
Originally Posted by justbaseball:

I'm just not sure at all what to say about those things.  Perhaps you'd be happy with your daughter dating Johnny 'ItsAllAboutMe?'


I wouldn't.

Not sure how this factors in.  Tom Brady is mentioned in later posts as a ideal but he had a child out of wedlock, have to view that as less than stellar behavior.  Charles Barkley has it right, we should not look to athletes to be role models.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so love him or hate him you won't ignore him.  That will help him make some money (fingers rubbing together here) and you know what...good for him.  No matter who you are the NFL chews you up and spits you out so make it and take it while you can.  They are all seconds away from oblivion.

Its been said that Dan Marino had a child out of wedlock too.

I agree, with much of what you've said, but there is a difference between keeping what happens quiet and flaunting/laughing in our faces, something that JM seems to get a kick out of.

I kind of base how I feel about how athletes give back to the community, despite what Marino has or has not done in private, what he has done for autistic children and their families is remarkable.

Until this topic I ignore him too.

Originally Posted by TPM:
Originally Posted by luv baseball:
Originally Posted by justbaseball:

I'm just not sure at all what to say about those things.  Perhaps you'd be happy with your daughter dating Johnny 'ItsAllAboutMe?'


I wouldn't.

Not sure how this factors in.  Tom Brady is mentioned in later posts as a ideal but he had a child out of wedlock, have to view that as less than stellar behavior.  Charles Barkley has it right, we should not look to athletes to be role models.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so love him or hate him you won't ignore him.  That will help him make some money (fingers rubbing together here) and you know what...good for him.  No matter who you are the NFL chews you up and spits you out so make it and take it while you can.  They are all seconds away from oblivion.

Its been said that Dan Marino had a child out of wedlock too.

I agree, with much of what you've said, but there is a difference between keeping what happens quiet and flaunting/laughing in our faces, something that JM seems to get a kick out of.

I kind of base how I feel about how athletes give back to the community, despite what Marino has or has not done in private, what he has done for autistic children and their families is remarkable.

Until this topic I ignore him too.

I get that.  Mr. Manzeil's brashness are not unlike Ali, Namath and others that rubbed folks the wrong way. 


No one receives 100% approval so as long as he stays in bounds he doesn't rile me at all but clearly many do not share that view and I am good with that too.  My point would be not to get overly worked up ....until he does something that warrants it.  


I guess it comes down to this... I am giving him the benefit of the doubt.

he has done things IMO that warrant dislike.   He defied the NCAA, although I understand the archaic rule probably needs an over haul, he did defy them none the less.  This tells me this is a young man who does what he wants and couldn't care less what others think. That mostly includes everyday folks like you and me.


The day after he was drafted someone filed a lawsuit against him, not sure if the allegations were true. The guy on the radio joked that it was probably Manzel trying to bring attention to himself ashe didn't get enough on draft day.  It was absolutely disgusting.


Why do the same people always keep coming  up in the news with negative stuff? 


Like Winston who walked out of a Publix super market without paying for crab legs and admitted he did not pay for it?  Are they stupid? Do they think they can just do what they want?  How much of this stuff do I and others have to put up with...NONE of it.



Why I can't stand Manziel and hope he fails as a football player (but I hope he gets his head pounded in on the field first): If you look at the picture in the previous link it's everything I can't stand. I can't stand his arrogance. I can't stand that "I'm in the money"  pinching fingers pose. He has no class at all. He's trailer trash. He'll be bankrupt and broke, beaten up in an alley after a bar fight when he's forty mumbling "Do they know who I used to be? I'm Johnny Money, err Johnny Football, err Johnny Trailer Trash."

Originally Posted by RJM:

Why I can't stand Manziel and hope he fails as a football player (but I hope he gets his head pounded in on the field first): If you look at the picture in the previous link it's everything I can't stand. I can't stand his arrogance. I can't stand that "I'm in the money"  pinching fingers pose. He has no class at all. He's trailer trash. He'll be bankrupt and broke, beaten up in an alley after a bar fight when he's forty mumbling "Do they know who I used to be? I'm Johnny Money, err Johnny Football, err Johnny Trailer Trash."

I don't know that I like him either, RJM.  But who says you need to like him?  He's a player, Cleveland fans will love him just like A&M fans did because he's a winner.  He may not last in the league forever because he is small.  But he's not stupid...he's more likely to be that bar's owner. 

Originally Posted by Tx-Husker:
Originally Posted by RJM:

Why I can't stand Manziel and hope he fails as a football player (but I hope he gets his head pounded in on the field first): If you look at the picture in the previous link it's everything I can't stand. I can't stand his arrogance. I can't stand that "I'm in the money"  pinching fingers pose. He has no class at all. He's trailer trash. He'll be bankrupt and broke, beaten up in an alley after a bar fight when he's forty mumbling "Do they know who I used to be? I'm Johnny Money, err Johnny Football, err Johnny Trailer Trash."

I don't know that I like him either, RJM.  But who says you need to like him?  He's a player, Cleveland fans will love him just like A&M fans did because he's a winner.  He may not last in the league forever because he is small.  But he's not stupid...he's more likely to be that bar's owner. 

Hate if you want to but this guy talked his way into the first round of the draft where the pay scale is locked in and probably made another bunch of money off of that.  When he's hawking Nike, Mickey D, Subway, Gatorade, Beer or won't matter if he ever plays a down. 


He could blow it but chances are he's already made more money than 99.5% of his peers will ever make in their entire lives.  That assumption is on something in the $10 to $15MM range between contract and endorsements. 




Johnny Manziel, the 2012 Heisman Trophy winner and potential first overall pick in May's NFL draft, informed the world's largest shoe and apparel brand that it had won the sweepstakes to outfit his feet and use him in marketing campaigns, Nike spokesman KeJuan Wilkins confirmed Thursday night.


Financial terms were not disclosed, but sources told that it's a multiyear deal that will be the highest price paid for a rookie in this year's class. Manziel's team negotiating the deal included LeBron James' business manager, Maverick Carter, and Fenway Sports Group.


He took no chances and made the deal BEFORE the draft.  Pretty smart IMO and if so leads me to think he is the Bar Owner and not the Bar Fly. 


None of this makes him a great guy, player, leader or whatever.  Time will tell on that but the humorous part to me is it seems like no matter what he does people have made up their minds about him and as near as I can tell based on the perceived arrogance/smugness have no use for him whatsoever.


The guy I think Johnny really starts comparing to as I read this is Jerry Jones, another blow hard Texan, that's arrogant, smug and making millions with his lousy 8-8 team. 


The only difference is the Cowboys will still be there to hate when both of them are gone.   

Never really understood the term "haters."  I know its a common term in social media and on message boards, but if I'm not a fan of a team or player, or I tend to root against that team, am I a "hater?"


I don't get that.  I really feel no hatred towards anyone really that I can think of.


BTW, I'm not a fan of Jerry Jones or the Dallas Cowboys.  I don't spend any time thinking about them just like I spend almost no time thinking about Johnny Manziel...unless they play one of my teams.  Since I grew up in SW Ohio, I'm not a fan of the Cleveland Browns either.Funny how personalities/teams that I'm not a fan of seem to end up together so often. 

Last edited by justbaseball

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