I don't think LaRussa believes there are any unimportant games, particularly within your division, most particularly aganst the Cubs. LaRussa was criticized by some Cardinals' fans for not retaliating against the Cubs to the same level of the Cubs' involvement; he was applauded by others for retaliating in the best possible way, by beating them. No way LaRussa would call a purpose pitch when the team's getting smacked down.
I like characters in the game (although I believe Lima's riding the line between "character" and "obnoxious" purty durn close), and he beat my Cardinals. Fortunately, all it meant was that we got to enjoy another game.
My beef with him was in '98, when he said he was grooving pitches late in the season so fellow Dominican Sosa could gain a few on McGwire.
But despite anyone's opinion of Lima, and Bradley's antics, there was a superb show of class and sportsmanship this evening after the game, when the Dodgers and Cardinals shook hands on the field in front of fans. Word was that it was Larry Walker's idea prior to postseason (he was a hockey player and is an NHL fan and wanted to emulate their tradition). LaRussa approached Tracey with the idea and he agreed. I would imagine it had Gagne's full support as a former hockey player as well, and he seemed to lead the team over.
In the post game wrap-up, Jeannie Selaski (sp?) seemed puzzled by the display, and the Fox commentators only mumbled a "what was that all about". That was to be expected as "Fox Sports" and "classy" can't be used in the same sentence during this baseball postseason.
It will be interesting if the Braves and Astros continue the idea. I'm thinking there's not much chance in the ALCS.