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party to Josh and to Fungo. Here's hoping contract terms can be agreed upon quickly (and favorably Cool) so that Josh will be on his way to Dunedin Fla. for mini-camp and his first professional assignment.
Fungo, better get those airline routes figured out. Know from experience that the Jays' affiliates are closer to Toronto than CA or Ala...but it has helped the frequent flyer plan.
I appreciate the congratulatory remarks and I’ve passed them on to Josh. A special thanks to those that have offered to help me understand the process and I do expect to call on their experiences. It has been a hectic couple of days. I’d like to say the draft is a funnel of talent and all can't get through the funnel at the same. There were MANY talented players that didn’t get a call and I hope they will get their chance soon. Plus, I know this is nothing more than an opportunity for my son and the work and sacrifices are just beginning.
Thank You,
I think the Lansing Lugnuts are with the Blue Jays. They will be playing across the street from us (in Cedar Rapids) at some point.

Tell Josh to stop in if he makes a stop here. We'll give him a pointer or two Wink

It really is fun watching a lot of these young players who end up coming through here. Just saw FutureDbackMom's son pitch about a week ago.
Based on the way the BJays handled things last year, seems pretty likely Josh and the other high picks who sign early will go to Auburn, NY. and be a DoubleDay in the NY/PENN league. This year, nearly everyone from Auburn but the 1st and supplemental 1st started in Lansing as "Lugnuts." What a great franchise and City. Oldsmobile Park is fantastic and so are the fans. Combine that with the talent that gets assigned to the Midwest League and you have some very fine baseball being played by a lot of future major leaguers and we all hope Josh will end up being one of them. greenjump
Luke, I just got home from my travels with the team. First, I would like to add my congrats to Josh for being drafted. He deserves this honor and I wish him the best for the next steps he makes going to the next level. We (Jeremy and I) hope the successes continue on for him. Secondly, I conratulate you and your wife for a great job ....well done. Please pass our best to Josh....again what a thrill...Josh you made it.

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