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I was at a batting cage last night getting ready for a game against southern high school the next day. A guy that likes to help me sometimes for free was in their throwing to me, and then he starts talking to this guy. It was Josh Hamilton the first round overall pick one year outta high school. So anyway he actually was good friends with the guy I was working with in High School, so Josh worked in with me. It was awesome. It actually inspired me because I was like hey this guy was the best player in the country and the way he was hitting wasn't like awesome, so I no if I keep working hard I can get to that level.
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
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I saw Josh in HS and at the State Games when he was at Athens Drive HS. The reason he was the overall #1 pick is because he was 6'4 210 ran a 6.6 60 threw from the left side in the 90's and could flat out mash. He is the best HS player I have ever seen. You dont get to be the #1 overall pick in the draft for nothing. His problems started when he was envolved in an auto accident and was put on pain killers for a back injury. While out of action he and in severe pain he turned to illegal drugs. No excuse but that is the deal. I hope he makes it all the way back and has his act cleaned up. I have seen alot of talented players but he was the most physically gifted that I have ever seen in HS.
I met Josh and knew several people close to him while he was in HS. He was an outstanding young man that never got into any trouble. He got his hands on alot of money at a very young age. He went down to Fla and was exposed to some stuff that he could not handle. He did have an accident and was on pain killers. Now did that lead to him using illegal drugs I dont know only he does. He has made alot of mistakes that is for sure. I hope that he has it together and I for one wish him the best.
There was a good article about Josh a while back in ESPN mag. and an article (basically the same stuff) a couple of weeks ago in the Raleigh paper. If what was said is holding true, Josh may be allowed back into baseball this season.
We've had the opportunity to meet Josh and get to spend time around him in the past. Bottom line, he has the most awesome talent I've ever seen and besides all that has happened in the past few years I believe he has grown up alot and is "becoming his own man". He's married, has started a family, and is, well... growing up.
Always remember, when you're way up at the top of the totem pole, when you crash it will be big time, because you have so much further to fall from the top.
We will always root for Josh to succeed... in baseball and in his personel life!
Originally posted by Florida Baseball Guy:
See my post in the General Discussion. Beware he wasn't hitting well because he has been suspended from baseball for drug use and hasn't played since the end of the 2003 season.

Wasn't Hitting? Beware? Come on Bob, ease up or a least get it right!

J. Hamilton, was on the fast track!
- in 1999, hit .347-Rookie Ball),
- swung it in the Sally League 2000-2001,
- strugged at AA in 2001,
- hit (.303) in the 2002 Cal League (A Ball),

Yes, Hamilton was selected by Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 1st Round (1st Overall) of 1999 amateur draft. (June-Reg Phase). Yet has not played minor league since end of 2002!

There are many 1st rounders that well, never reached their potential. Yet, were good, very good baseball players! What these kids face today....well.....I can understand how and what HoF Mike Schmidt says what he talks about today's juice!

Last edited by Bear
Josh is in camp and is working out everyday. The Commisioner is about to allow him to start playing in minor league games.

I would reserve your comments about him IF YOU DON"T KNOW HIM !!!! You will not find a teacher or any school personnel from administrators on down who could give you one bad thing about him while he was growing up. He was a model kid and absolutely a wonderful youngman.

The situation that he finds himeself in now is one that he had plenty of help getting into. When your 18 and have 3.6 million dollars in your pocket everyone wants a part of you. He had no way of knowing how to say no. There isn't one baseball personnel in the game who would have predicted what has happened to Josh.

I wish him well! With some help he may find his way to the big leagues. He was and still is that special of a talent! I'd dare say he would have been the 1st pick in the draft every year since the year he was picked in 99 and on top of that he has size 19 feet!

Delmon Y has been working out with Josh everyday. Guess Upton can take Youngs place now.
Last edited by Vance34
My son and I saw Josh when he was playing for the Charleston River Dogs. Michael climbed the fence and retrieved Josh's homerun ball - must of been hit over 450 ft. After the game Josh signed it for him and was just as nice and courteous as you could ever want. Another thing I noticed was that Josh stayed and signed autographs until the last kid left and he gave the impression that he truly enjoyed doing it for them.

Josh made a big impression that night as, when we were leaving, my son said he was going to work to make it just like Josh Hamilton did. Since then my son has worked harder than ever before and still has the signed homerun ball on display in his room.

I, for one, am pulling for Josh to make it back.
Josh Hamilton was taken this week in the Rule 5 draft by the Cubs as the third overall pick and was traded to the Reds for an undisclosed amount of cash. This means Hamilton will get another shot, at age 25, to realize his enormous potential. Let's hope he can fight off his personal demons and make this work for him this time. I'm pulling for him.
There was an update in yesterday's USA Today.

A few things stuck out:

1) In spring training, he and his wife only have 1 car down there so he can't go out without her.

2) When the team gets their meal money (per diem), someone else handles Josh's.

3) There was a pic of him and he is wearing sleeves to cover up his tattoos...very good move.

I hope he makes it. I lived in Raleigh when he was in HS and the only player I have seen that was better than him at that point in his career was Justin Upton.
Redbird -

I question if you really saw Josh play in High School because if you did, you would no way say that Justin Upton was a more talented player. Just a few points to consider - Hamilton was clocked in the upper 90's as a LH pitcher in HS and could have been taken as the #1 pick as a pitcher but his overall talents were so far off the board as a position player, he was instead taken $1 as an outfielder.

At 6'4", no one was faster or could hit a ball farther than Josh. While he's had troubles off the field, Josh Hamilton had Micky Mantle talent coming out of HS. Upton is not even in his league!!

Just recently, the GM for the Reds witnessed Josh launching 500' bombs in Spring Training and saw him throw a ball from the center field wall (401' away) to home plate in the air -
Hamilton was the most talented HS baseball player I have ever seen play. (Period) Hands down! At 6'4 and 210 lbs he ran a 6.6 60 - Threw 94 from the Left side from the hill - Could run it down in the outfield like a deer - And had an absolute gun from the outfield - I saw him throw a baseball from the fence at the Greensboro Bats stadium in the NC State Games on a head high line to second base. Hamilton was such a good hitter that they never considered putting this LHP that threw mid 90's on the bump at the pro level. He could flat out hit. Power for days to all fields and hit for average as well. The guy was an absolute man at 17 years old. Hamilton has some problems or has and that is an understatement. I hope he has it together for his sake and his families. But this guy was blessed with the total package and was the most gifted player I have ever seen.
Another thing that some people dont know about him. Before he left for pro ball and had his troubles everything about this kid was all american. He was the most polite and respectfull kid you would want to meet. I remember the scouts talking about how after he pitched he would sit out the rest of the game. During this time he would shag all the foul balls because the other guys on the bench always had to do it. I just wanted people to know that he was a great kid in HS that just got caught up in some bad things when we went away from home. I really hope Josh does well and wish him the best.
Originally posted by scbaseball:
Redbird -

I question if you really saw Josh play in High School because if you did, you would no way say that Justin Upton was a more talented player. Just a few points to consider - Hamilton was clocked in the upper 90's as a LH pitcher in HS and could have been taken as the #1 pick as a pitcher but his overall talents were so far off the board as a position player, he was instead taken $1 as an outfielder.

At 6'4", no one was faster or could hit a ball farther than Josh. While he's had troubles off the field, Josh Hamilton had Micky Mantle talent coming out of HS. Upton is not even in his league!!

Just recently, the GM for the Reds witnessed Josh launching 500' bombs in Spring Training and saw him throw a ball from the center field wall (401' away) to home plate in the air -

You are obviously entitled to your opinion.

Upton ran a 6.2 60 and hit 94 off the mound although he never even pitched in HS with a 6'2" 190 frame. He was (and still is) a 5 tool SS in HS.
Last edited by redbird5
Don't look now, but Josh Hamilton homered in his first spring training game and is hitting .562 thru the first five games. The Reds look like a good fit for Josh, with manager and NC native, Jerry Narron taking a personal interest in him. Josh played for Jerry's brother, Johnny when he was 15 so there is some prior history.
Under rule 5 draft rules, Josh will have to stay up with the major league team all season or be returned to the Devil Rays.
Originally posted by scbaseball:
Redbird -

At 6'4", no one was faster or could hit a ball farther than Josh. ...Josh Hamilton had Micky Mantle talent coming out of HS. -


Statement comparing Hamilton vs Mantle is

---------------Mantle--Age 20 --1952-------------------

---------------Mantle--Age 24 --1956-------------

---------------Mantle--Age 26 --1958--------------------

---------------Hamilton --Age 26 --2007-------------
Originally posted by getoverthere:
The only thing Mantle and Hamilton had in common was substance abuse issues.

Jiminy Christmas,

There is nothing in common between Mantle and Hamilton, period.

To do so is a disservice to the greatness of one of the greatest (~Top 15) Hall of Fame position players.

Unless wants to go out on a limb and state both are professional baseball players. wants to state Mantle's abuse of alchohol was legal, while Hamilton's abuse of drugs are illegal.
Bear -

I stand by my statement that coming out of high school Josh Hamilton had Mickey Mantle talent. Understand that I said out of high school - heck Josh probably had more talent coming out of high school.

Josh made some mistakes that almost cost him his career but to discount his enormous talent simply shows that either you never saw him play or you have no eye for talent.

Micky Mantle was one of the greatest players to ever play the game and I am not saying that Josh will ever come close to achieving what Micky did during his career. It would be interesting however to see if Micky could go 3+ years without playing (at all) and still put up the numbers Josh did this year at the Major League level.

I do not in anyway advocate the choices Josh made and he has done a disservice to the game that has been so good to him but the kid did have unbelievable talent as an 18 year old.
Its hard for people to understand statements made about Josh that never saw him play in HS. I did see him play. He was the most amazing player I have ever seen play in a HS baseball game. He was absolutely gifted in every phase of the game. Tremendous speed. He was mid 90's from the left side off the bump. He hit shots with the bat that were simply ridiculous. Physically he was a full grown man at 17 years old. He looked like a major league player at 17. He was so gifted that he was capable of still making it to the show after all he put himself through. I will not and can not compare him to Mickey. Im not old enough to say I saw the Mick play in HS. I did get the chance to see him once late in his career. But I can say that Josh Hamilton was the greatest HS baseball talent and player I have ever seen play. And its not even close. That includes all the kids I have seen at East Cobb , Jupiter and every national showcase event I have ever attended. It still is not even close. Oh what might have been. That is all I can say.
Coach May-
A lot of people have a lot of nice things to say about you on this board. I know why. You have stayed true to your opinions and observations with regard to Josh Hamilton throughout this thread. I really respect that.

During the world series while watching Josh Beckett, another Josh popped in to my head. I turned to my son and said that I had remembered an article in SI something like "A Tale of Two Joshs'" or close to that anyway, I said who was the other Josh and he reminded me it was Hamilton and we had a great conversation about him. Son had been following his progress on coming back and we both agreed that we were pulling for him to make it. Maybe the best is yet to come for Josh Hamilton.

(There is a video at the link)

Durham — Cincinnati Reds rookie outfielder and Raleigh native Josh Hamilton was home for the holidays and spent part of the time at the Durham Rescue Mission.

“On a day like this, where family is really important, to get together and have a meal for you and games for the kids and things like that, and just bring those families together is really important,” Hamilton said.

Before spending Thanksgiving with his family, Hamilton mingled with volunteers and other guests at the mission’s Thanksgiving feast for the poor.

To those battling drug addiction, Hamilton said hope is never lost.

The former Athens Drive High School standout has been an open book about his past drug addiction and recovery.

The Durham Rescue Mission plans to have Hamilton back in January to share his story.
Sometimes I believe people like Josh can be used by God in a very powerfull way. I do believe God has a plan for everyone. I am pulling for this young man so hard. Maybe what he has gone through can end up being a positive in many peoples lives. By the way Baseball Buzz happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Tell Mac we all said hello!
Yeah I miss Mac and the card games. We are still undefeated you know! We are really excited for Matt. One more step! I promised him I will be there for his first ML start when that day comes. I just hope he is on the East Coast for it. Im looking forward to the HS season and I know you guys are as well. I planning on making a few rounds this season. I have got to see Mac , Bryce at Wakefield , all the boys at Northern Durham , Riverside to see those guys and of course I will see Jeff and Pratt play. Its hard to believe they are going to be playing their last year of HS baseball. Dont cry on senior night K.
Why shouldn't I cry on Senior night? I've cried at every senior night for every sport for the past 3 years!! Every senior night ceremony reminds me of just how fast this wonderful time is flying by. I still have one more boy (freshman this year) that we can watch when Mac and Jeff, Pratt and Brice, Bass and Long, Jim and Brian, etc. are gone.
Originally posted by 55mom:

(There is a video at the link)

Durham — Cincinnati Reds rookie outfielder and Raleigh native Josh Hamilton was home for the holidays and spent part of the time at the Durham Rescue Mission.

“On a day like this, where family is really important, to get together and have a meal for you and games for the kids and things like that, and just bring those families together is really important,” Hamilton said.

Before spending Thanksgiving with his family, Hamilton mingled with volunteers and other guests at the mission’s Thanksgiving feast for the poor.

To those battling drug addiction, Hamilton said hope is never lost.

The former Athens Drive High School standout has been an open book about his past drug addiction and recovery.

The Durham Rescue Mission plans to have Hamilton back in January to share his story.
Does he have an e-mail address would like for Josh to come speak to our school In NC
Last edited by Brandon Majoy

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