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Hello Everyone!

It's been along time so I thought in case anyone was looking I would tell you how things are going. I'd like to say it's all "peaches 'n' cream" but it has been somewhat of a struggle for me these past few months. The auto-pilot crashed around September...the pilot flew all summer getting me to as many of Jeffrey's games as possible and still keep my job. Everyone around me has been very supportive and counseling helps too...I am not too proud to admit that I needed some extra help.

It was Thanksgiving Day before I went to Jeff's gravesite fir the first time since the day of the took along time to get the marker in place and I didn't want to go until it was there. Yes it was sad. Now Christmas is upon us and I am doing my best to remember that the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus and Jeff will be celebrating that in a most personal way! Jeffrey and I will be going to Michigan (Detroit area) for Christmas which is where I am from. I have 4 siblings and we will all be together...I can't wait. And when one of my brothers found out I messed up with the airline tickets and booked PM flights not AM flights he called and paid the difference to change was $ that is an awesome brother!

Today I picked up Jeff's Dugout Plaque that will go in the dugout at Lynchburg College. I just don't know how to insert a picture. If someone can tell me I will post it and other pictures for you to see. I also have some memorial stickers ($5...proceeds go to the scholarship fund at Liberty) I would like to show you.

God Bless to all of you,
Mary Clare
Mary Clare - God Bless and thanks for the update! I have been thinking of you and Jeffery as well. I think of Jeff Sr. often.

I think the easist way to post a picture is to e-mail them to the hsbbweb at

I am guessing that Julie could then post them here.

The only other way to post pictures is to download the pictures to a hosting site like photobucket. Once there, you can grab the URL of the image by right clicking on the downloaded image and selecting properties. Once you have copied the URL from the properties page, you can paste the URL using the image tab at the top of the reply pane (2nd tab from right at top of reply post).

I'm so glad to hear from you that the Christmas Season is bringing out the best in those surrounding you and Jeffrey. To learn of the comfort and concern that your family is providing is uplifting...truly the Christmas spirit is thriving. Give your brother a hug.

Thank you for checking in with all of your friends here at the High School Baseball Web. We are pleased to hear from you and know of your journey. Continue with your progress and do keep us posted.

God bless you and Jeffrey...and your loving family.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Thanks for getting the pictures posted. I did not make it clear that the pictures related to the EdD (not a PhD, his was in education and of course we must be politically correct..ha ha ha) were taken at the regular Liberty University graduation on May 9th. It was not a memorial service but it was announced before the speaker that he was awarded his degree and that there was an empty chair with Jeff's graduation gown, etc. sitting with all the other doctorate professors. This was at the general assembly of students and faculty at the football field. Then we were off to the Dept of Education's graduation and there is when we actully received Jeff's degree. I hope this makes sense.

Merry Christmas to Everyone! I will catch up again after the New Year starts.

In His Hands, Mary Clare
Mary Clare,

I often check in on this thread. JT always commented positively to my posted questions and we had some good thread laughs - he and gotwood would post some of the funniest things.

Enjoy your time in Michigan. I, too, am from the Detroit area....Northville, to be exact.....left in 1979 right after high school, but I guess it'll always seem like home.

Let your family embrace you and keep you warm.


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