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2013 is awaiting a JUCO offer that he has been told would include all tuition, books and fees covered... he can use the state lottery money for 65% of his housing cost... I would pick up 35% or about 150 a month plus gas, food, living expenses..


This school seems to really like him and they have recruited him for a year.


The other JUCO has better facilities and a lunch room, but we do not visit there until Sunday due to playoffs games, so no real offer. but an offer may come.... this coach is interested in him, but did not actively recruit him until a few weeks ago.


Both of these schools are in the same JUCO conference.  I don't know if they know that each one is recruiting the same player,   they might I guess.


His question to me, can I tell school B that I have an offer from school A but I would rather go to school B? In hopes of getting a deal at school B ?  it seems like he is using school A  a little bit and they are the ones that have been recruiting him the hardest..... but he likes the town and the campus better at school B

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Originally Posted by bacdorslider:

...His question to me, can I tell school B that I have an offer from school A but I would rather go to school B? In hopes of getting a deal at school B ?  it seems like he is using school A  a little bit and they are the ones that have been recruiting him the hardest..... but he likes the town and the campus better at school B

Perhaps alter the statement from "..but I would rather go to school B." to "..but I am interested in school B".  I think this would be less likely to come back and bite him with school A.  Then, if asked by B which he would rather go to, he can say he really likes B but costs are a factor.

My son faced a simular situation a couple of months ago.  When we visited school B the coach ask him if he had other offers.  Then he ask if anyone was putting pressure on him to sign.  We he said school A was he was offered an outstanding offer from School B.  Everything he said was true and I believe it is best to be truthful.  He signed with School B a few days later. 

update:   2013 went to school B and they told us that he would know what they are going to offer him this Wednesday.  School A is wanting to know what we are going to do..... how do we get school A to wait until we hear from school B ? 


School A must suspect we are waiting on something. We told school B that school A  was waiting to hear from us and there's also a school C  but internal to us it's not one we would go to but there is an offer from them.

Bacdor, Congrats to son on the options!  Perhaps an answer to school A should go something like this...

"I very much appreciate your interest in me and your offer and am strongly considering (school A) as my school of choice.  I have been fortunate enough to have multiple offers and want to make sure I am making the best decision.  I want to be respectful of your timeline.  My goal is to decide by the end of the week.  Is that reasonable?"

  The coach from school A called him today and asked him if he had other offers he was considering.  He said yes and that while it was a hard decision to make, he was going to make it by Thursday morning.


The dilemma,


School  A   He loves the coach  , they love 2013....  facilities are average and they have little academic money but are offering good baseball money for JUCO. returning 8 pitchers


School B   He likes the coach they lost 9 pitchers and he feels he would get some early opportunities ,  The baseball money is a little less but the academic money covers his tuition.  they have excellent facilities .......


I told him to think about what he wanted from the experience and go where he thought he had the best chance of that happening. and forgot about the cost.

Yeah, unless I'm missing something, if tuition is covered with either school, I would think the other expenses are minimal in the big scheme.  Unless it is still a hardship for the family, I would take money out of the equation.  He can work a few months over the summer and earn a couple thousand bucks to help with any remaining costs.  Son did this around summer college ball as did many of his friends.  He'll do so again this summer.

I would take take money out of the equation.  Where does he want to go?  Then that's where he should go.  Back when I was in college and played sports (ran track) there was always some churn of teammates because some made the wrong decision up front.  Most of the time this was because they decided to follow the money for ego's sake and not take a look at where they really wanted to go to college.  If you make the wrong decision up front it could end up costing a year of eligibility.

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