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My son is currently at a juco, and plans to transfer to 4 year after the spring. He has a few schools in mind that he thinks fit him both academically and athletically, but he hasn't received much playing time at this point and hasn't been seen by many schools. Should my son be proactive in the recruiting process by sending out emails and video, or should he let his current coach handle all of it?
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Welcome to the site.  Is your son a soph?  Does he anticipate playing time this season?  Once in JC, a player will usually be quite reliant on the JC coach for at least referral.  Some JC games are well-attended by 4yr RC's so he may have a chance to be seen then if he is playing.  My son is also in his soph playing year in JC.  His coach holds a meeting with each soph to get an idea of what their type of target 4 yr school is and then he likes to drive much of the process. A few other JC's I'm familiar with do things much the same way.  They want their players focusing on performing their best for their team.  So, I think it is good that your son has worked toward a short list.  But I think the next step is to have a talk with his JC coach.  It may be different if the coach doesn't see him playing a a 4 yr school.  If that is the case, he will have to drive the process himself.

Are the target schools in the same geographical area as his current JC?

Last edited by cabbagedad

That may require some patience with the recruiting aspect - have him focus primarily on trying to earn PT.  Unless he is targeting schools that he thinks he can play at regardless.  He may still want to initiate a conversation with his coach.  At least he'll know more about what degree of help to expect or not.  Also check into what the JC coach  has done historically.   How did he handle things with the soph's that graduated last year?

Originally Posted by DirtyBirds17:
His target schools are all in the same state as his current juco.

If he earns regular PT, that will open up lot's more actionable options. Since same state, JC HC will probably be able to give him a realistic viewpoint on fit for those schools.  Also, you (or he) will then be able to invite those schools to come and see you play. 

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