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My son converted from RHP over-the-top to sidearm/sub late in fall 2014 in is SOPH yr of JUCO ball.  He was a starting pitcher his JUCO freshman yr but felt that going sidearm would give him "something different".  So, he went from being a 86-88mph (touched 90 last summer) overhand pitcher with only average movement to recently throwing sidearm 83-85mph fb, 72mph on change and 72-74 slider (in 50 degree temps) with pretty good command and movement which resulted in 4 k's and a soft lineout facing 5 batters.. Again, at 10 weeks into this new arm slot. I originally thought he was crazy to change at this stage but it's his dream, not mine.


He turned down a near full-ride at an NAIA as a starting pitcher and decided to commit to sidearm so that he could keep working on a D1 or D2 opportunity.


At 6'4 and a sidearmer, he has attracted some recent attention from a handful of D1's and a very serious level of interest from a top 20 D2.  He's a good student and will have no problem with admissions to most D1/D2 colleges.


Knowing the level of knowledge on this site, I thought I would ask a few questions.


1. Do many D1's and D2's still have scholarship money available for 2015 JUCO pitchers?  He has stated he is willing to take a recruited walk-on spot if $$ isn't available in the right program.


2. Do the velocities stated above translate into D1 velocities? D2?  He had one D1 coach say that a 75mph slider was a minimum requirement and had no min for FB.


3. Do you know of any D1's or D2's that actively search for sidearm relievers?  We know of several high D1's that recruit sidearm guys, but want to have plenty of irons in the fire.


4. What have you seen from recruited walk-on situations? Are the players treated much like scholarship players (ie. study halls, coaching, training, etc)?


Any input appreciated.








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Hummmmm, other may know more than I but I can tell you that on sons Juco team we have two RHP ( sidearms)  One is going to a mid D1. He throws 84-85  FB.... the other is going D2 he throws 87-88....


If the D1 wants you badly enough, they will have some money for 2015 .... Mine is a 2013 and he is signed at a D1 school for next year. he went juco for two years.

I think he made the right decision because 86-88 for a RHP isn't gonna get many looks at a big D1 unless he's dominating.  But as a sidearm guy he will definitely have "something different" to offer.  So, I think it was probably a smart move. To answer your questions:


1)  It depends on the schools situation.  But there is always money out there.


2)  For a sidearm guy, velocity isn't as important.  They mostly want to see movement, control, and like guys who don't give up many extra base hits.  I have a pitcher who signed with FSU who is a sidearm guy and pitches 86-88 mph.  I was a sidearm pitcher and pitched at Auburn and was 88-90 but I have seen some D1 sidearmers as 83-85.  I have never heard a coach have a minimum slider requirement with no fastball requirement.


3)  I think every level of college baseball understands the value of a sidearm pitcher and they are definitely a commodity to any program.


4)  2 of my roommates in college were walk ons and I was a scholarship guy.  They had everything that I had as far as study halls, tutors, coaching, and training.


Here is a video that may also help...


Thanks for the video ygpbb321!  My son is a member of SANation but I'm not sure he has seen this video.  I will make certain to forward it to him.  As the weather warms up a bit in the Midwest, I would expect a slight increase in my kid's velocity.  He had reached 86 in the Fall when he first started throwing sidearm and that is what got his JUCO coaches onboard quickly with the idea of dropping down. We will see how things shake out, but I really appreciate the knowledge and experiences that you guys are sharing...which is what I love about this site!

Just an update for those sidearm parents.  My kid verbally committed (will sign soon) to pitch for Millersville University of PA (D2) two weeks ago.  As some may already know, this is a very good program in a very strong conference and my son is very fortunate to have this opportunity.  They are one of those college programs that see the value of sidearm guys and enjoy developing them.

I believe he is their first Iowa player...and all due to a roll-of-the dice...converting to sidearm 6 mos ago.  Keep working to find your sidearmer the right fit!

RHPs throwing 86-88 and even touching 90 in a good juco conference are, honestly, a dime a dozen unless they have really good "stuff". My son did not have great movement over top...but that changed when he dropped down. D1s showed very little interest when he was over top but that changed when he dropped his arm slot.  Some low/mid level D1s started following him but none offered.
His winter time conversion, I believe, hurt him in the short run...not enough game experience coming into Spring. He started slow and control was an issue but as the season ended, he had developed good control and very good movement.

It may be that sidearm was always his natural arm slot. We understand that it typically takes over a year to adjust...he was coming out of the bullpen at 3mos.

Playing at a high level D2 is a great opportunity for him.

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