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Hi, my name is Chris. I am a 2013 graduate who is looking for an opportunity to play college baseball. Just to start off this topic, I have generated interested from nine D3 colleges, two JUCO colleges, one D2, and surprisingly three D1 colleges. To me, I am extremely surprised to receive this interest thus far. Ever since my frehsmen year, I've been putting in work everyday to make myself better and I think it's finally paying off. I am very interested in this one D3 college near my home whos interested in me as well, but the problem is this: tuition. My parents do not make much money, as I have to work jobs to help pay for things like bills and more. I'm not complaining, I love my parents but college tuition is a huge issue. Meanwhile, a JUCO college is interested greatly in me, problem is that it's in Kansas and I'm in NJ. Cost there would be simple, but here's my main question here: Should I play guaranteed D3 ball or play JUCO ? The other problem is What if I can't play baseball elsewhere after JUCO? The reason why I am not discussing D1 mcuh is because I do not think I am good enough for it and I don't want to waste time on them. I've been scouted by a Cincinatti Reds scout, but I don't think there's anything happening. Anyone who can help out , I thank you very much. Have a great day and happy Holidays!
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Can't answer the question for you, however I would suggest talking to the scout to see what he thinks about your college level ability. You must have some potential if 3 D1s are talking to you.

Depending upon the JC league, you might find many kids that get playing time have other playing oppourtinies when they are done at the JC. I would be willing to bet the D3 coach that is interested in you has JC transfers on his team. You might consider talking to your local JC coach to see what he thinks about your ability, and if the JC route sounds like the way to go, you might consider local JCs if price/distance is a problem. as an aside Just about every starter on my son's second division JC team played D1, D2 or professionally, many local D2 teams in my area are almost exclusivly made up of transser students (i.e. freshman and sophmores rarely make these teams let alone play)

Good luck
Your parents may want to talk to admissions and financial aid at the D3 school. Depending on their finances and your grades the D3 school might not be a stretch. I know they have not filled out the FAFSA or the CSS profile yet, unless you have an older sibling going to college. But the college may be able to give them a good idea how much the cost might be.

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