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It's called a "joke" -- lighten up, dude. Wow!

Why are the groups from the younger teams so sensitive?

wreck -- if you want to retrieve my 2923 posts and determine whether I post contructive comments, feel free. If you're going to come on here and act like a prima donna after 3 contributions, well....good luck with all that.

Oh, and by the way ---- I think I've earned the right to be a smart a** on occation. Live with it.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Originally posted by ramblin wreck:
What kind of comment is that ?? Aren't you one of the moderators ? Grow up - maybe if more people would post constructive/informative comments on this site it would be a valuable tool - which was the original intent - I'm sure - not to have people providing smart a ** comments like that one .

Obviously you didn't see the smiley face at the end of the post, indicating the intenet...... and just read all the posts instead of picking one to base your opinion on a comment. The sensitivity of some people just amazes me....geez
Last edited by JAFO
Pd has earned his sarcasm license.....not many others (including myself) have.

I talked to nick today he says the stix are playing "OK", he noted the losses were 1 run games... For those of you coming out of USSSA, Super series, AAU, ect... Your with the big boys now, great teams/organizations come out of the woodwork that you have never seen or heard of (team kelly getting rocked) you will be amazed!!!
Originally posted by ramblin wreck:
PD - What - you have earned the right to be sarcastic ? Why - because you are a moderator on the web ?? WOW !! You are the one acting like a prima donna. Why shouldn't one take those kind of comments personal - stop attacking and just post positive comments - or is that what this site is about ??

Officially boycoting "the wreck"

To much foolish rhetoric.......Someone needs a nap!

Chill, bro! If Kelly is good, people will see the results and know it. You don't have to convince everyone that reads this board that they are good.

Personally, I have always feared the guy that doesn't say much, just quietly goes about the business of kicking your ***.

But, hey, that is just my opinion and it means about as much as Paris Hilton's doctoral dissertation on pulsed power and its significance to the guidance systems of the Patriot Missile.
Here's my rebuttle to all this nonsense. I am not seeking validation for TK or any strokes - I do let their performance speak for themselves. I have sat and watched many previous discussions take place bashing TK and their coach.
1. That their coach overuses pitchers.
2. All they care about is winning.
I could go on. All of these statements are FALSE and they are dead WRONG and somebody needed to speak up for TK. The coach is OUTSTANDING - the kids love playing for him - and we, as parents, want to see our kids develop and challenge themselves so they can get better for their high school years. We have no pre-conceived notions and could care less about the wins and losses - we only care about our kids !!
So, you are right - a little sensitive - maybe so. I apologize to PD if his comments were just in jest. Remember, this board is about expressing opinions and I am entitled to mine also. Hope you can appreciate my being prideful in TK and what these kids have accomplished on the field and off. Thanks.
Originally posted by John G.:
But, hey, that is just my opinion and it means about as much as Paris Hilton's doctoral dissertation on pulsed power and its significance to the guidance systems of the Patriot Missile.

LMAO....I see you have a sarcasm license too!!!

Don't encourage him.
He got it from his 11yo. Wink

I like to dog pile, but only if I'm the one on top. Big Grin

I thought you said Justin Northwest had the best 15 yo team ever...
Last edited by collikar
I have to say I ahve been reading this board for a long while and I disagree with your comment that people are always bashing TK. I have seen plenty of people saying how good they really are and they are the real deal. The question people brought up about ya'll over using a pitcher in Burkburnett, it was more of a debate about pitcher overuse on any team. It wasn't TK bashing. Sounds like you are trying to create an issue out of something when there is nothing there.
Ok all -- time to let wreck off-the-hook. The only criticism of TK that I recall centered on one pitching incident ----- and I agree with P1 -- that discussion quickly turned to a philisophical one on pitch counts, etc. Let's not go there for a while. In all seriousness, I think many here have great respect for Team Kelly. Since I don't know the team (have never seen them play) but respect a few specific players (played McKinney in the HS season), I have no reason to bash anyone. But I reserve the right to be a smart a$$. Smile
OK, so I have been reading this thread and wanted to stay out, but I just can't. I may be new to this board, but I know PD and I surely know TK as my son has played against them from the start. They are an extremely good team and one of the best, no doubt. I disagree with "wreck" on their philosophy as they ARE all about winning. If it was development, then they would focus on local talent (which they had initially on their team) and not continually "purge" their roster adding players from Austin, Houston and did I see Georgia? I may be wrong on the GA part. Again, I am not bashing the team as I know several of the kids and they are wonderful. But, if it was not about winning, then why would you "fly" in kids from all over the state? They are continuing to adjust their roster to add the best kids possible from anywhere they can. My bet is that wreck was one of those just added this year from the Triple Play Black (again, just a guess). I enjoy the fact that the local organizations (Marshals, Mustangs, Tigers, etc.) do their best to keep the majority of their teams together from year to year...I know my son has enjoyed it. Oh, and for the record, PD is a smart a#$ and we at EAST enjoy it...IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A PANTHER!

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