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My son is out carrying groceries in with my wife, and the neighbor across the street comes running over with her 2+ year old son in tow. She and her husband graduated from the University where my son plays baseball. She comes up to my son and wife and says something like this “Hey, my little guy has been throwing the ball around at home and he has a really good arm! Do you think it is possible that Adam can work with him and give him some lessons, I think he could be a really good pitcher!”

My wife offers encouragement, not just to be nice, but because she can remember being excited about our son 18-19 years ago when he was that age. My wife tells her he needs to keep playing catch and have fun, and that soon he will be playing T-Ball. My son works with kids at the University summer camps, so he also understands her earnest enthusiasm, as he deals with little Johnny and their mothers/fathers all the time.

Some may think this story is a little corny, but I thought it was worth sharing. I guess I am happy in the fact that my little boy is not a little boy any longer, but a young man that others look to for help, regardless of the actual need for a 2 year old to receive pitching and hitting lessons. And for the first time I look at him differently because of this experience, not as my son the baseball player -- but as my son the future father, coach, and hard working employee that he will become one day.
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My boy is 9 years old and he loves going down the street to see a kid (actually young man) who plays college ball. They shoot hoops, throw the football and baseball and watch some ESPN together. Great example and mentor, just got back from a mission trip to the DR with Keith Madison. No "lessons" just hanging out with a good college player when he is home.

Most of the posters on this thread have sons playing college ball and I think you all know that your sons are role models to these little leaguers. Thanks!
We had a new family move in next door about 3 weeks ago that have a 5 year old son and last week coming back with my son from his chemo treatments, the young man was out front with his mom bringing somethings into their home. My son asked him to wait a minute and walked in the garage and grabbed an old glove he had from when he was small and gave it to him with a couple of baseballs. The little guy was beaming from ear to ear.
Makes an old man proud. TOFT
Last edited by Tooldforthis
I hope your son is doing well with his chemo treatments. You're absolutely correct, you should be very proud of him for helping out his 5 year old neighbor, nice story.

The wiffle ball games as a toddler will start hitting me soon too, but I still have another four weeks of my kid hanging around the house before he takes off for school.
My son is now teaching his 2 1/2 year old nephew how to hit. Brings me great joy!

When my son was about 13 a lady asked him how to teach her young son how to catch. He said "tell him not to put the glove in front of his face, but to the side". Still good advice! Lots of kids put it in front of their face then take it on the nose.

TOFT, all the best to your son. Great story.
Last edited by twotex
That PG Toddlers is hilarious. Before my time, so I'm really glad this thread got put out there. I think I've mentioned this before, but our older son was ill during the 3-6 years. We just didn't think about ball when most did, and our kids were 6 and 7 before they ever even threw a baseball. Well, the coach told us that our 6 year old who is now the ballplayer was too immature to play ball. He suggested s****r. We laugh about that now, because our son is now probably the most serious ballplayer in the town. (small town.)
Back to this topic though. Our teenage neighbor has Asperger's Syndrome, and the social and behavioral issues they can face. Well, he comes over daily to play ball with my son. Really, he seems better behaved and happier in the yard with the t stand and made up bases than anywhere I have seen him. Son gave him his Durham Bull cap a few days ago, and he hasn't taken it off. I was shocked he gave that cap away- thought he would regret it but he hasn't.

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