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I've struggled with writing the post because I've been trying to pick my words wisely and make sure it's saying what I want it to say, so please bare with me.

Over my years reading and replying to posts on here it seems that the common answer to the question "How do I enhance my son's chances of going onto college baseball?" is put him on an elite travel summer team and then have him attend showcases and camps, which I fully agree with. I wish knew what I know now for my own situation, but that's beside the point.

The thing that troubles me is the nature of the answer-- it seems to say that it's absolutely necessary to be playing on a very well-coached and well-connected travelling team to get noticed or to increase one's chance of playing at the college level.

I was talking to another poster about this and they told me that there was only one team in his area that was considered 'elite' (or whatever the word you may use to describe a summer league team that is head and shoulders above the normal) and that he didn't make it and now he's worried about not being able to go onto the next level.

I then went on to explain how I myself only played one year of competitive baseball in high school. My sophomore year, and even that year I wasn't on a select or scout team or even a team that played in front of scouts. Yet I managed to get a scholarship. This made him more at ease, and he wasn't as concerned as earlier in the discussion.

The whole point to this post that I'm trying to make is:

Was I just one of the better players who fell through the cracks, didn't truly know about any elite/select teams in my area and just decided to pursue the game anyway?

Or are there more stories like mine that maybe we as a group of posters don't tend to focus on?
Because if so maybe we should start a little bit more to maybe give some of these kids some more hope that they will be able to play at the college level.
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Doc - I have always said the hsbbweb is a great resource. IMHO, a person can get all they need just by reading the original articles that were compiled by Bob. The message boards are gravy and may do a disservice sometimes. How is that?

Sometimes, one gets the impression that if you do not bat .750, hit 450 ft. homeruns, and/or throw in the mid to upper 80's by 9th grade then you may not have a legitimate chance. Baseball needs to be played and players need to be evaluated by those who can see them. Words on a message board are no more than that and should not discourage a player from pursuing their dreams.
IMO, geographical location plays a big part in getting noticed.

Here in FL I know of many players who went on to play at the next level with no showcases or elite teams BUT FL is a busy place for scouts to be out and about looking for talent. I know of a few players who played at a top ranked HS here and that was just about all they did, but they also had the benefit of scouts and college coaches coming to watch the many, many players who were top ranked from that HS so the result was college scholarships and drafted.

I have always beleived that in general relying on the HS experience alone may not lead to a college scholarship. I do beleive than many many folks (not necessarily here on the HSBBW ) still subscribe to that theory.

But I also beleive that you do not have to be involved in an "elite" team, but if one lives in more isolated areas, there are showcases and tournaments, college camps for that exposure.

I think if the question is:

"How do I enhance my son's chances of going onto college baseball?"

First I think parents need to take off the "rose colored glasses"

Attend some college games, differnt levels, to get a feel if your son would make the grade.

If your son is a decent player, but not MLB material, or a top 40, or a top 100 team player where would he fit? Are local JUCO's and option even if he is a good student? Are the local JUCO's "farm teams" to other local D1 and D2's?

Are there smaller D1, D2, D3, NAIA's around that you can visit? Do any of them hold camps? So many of the coaches around here know each other pretty well, played with or against each other in college, or just see each other around checking out players. While one may not need another MIF, he may know his buddy does, and have him go see your son.

I do still believe if he is a total and complete stud, they will find him, but he would better his offers and the number of offers if he attends a PG showcase, is on an elite team, is asked to play at the Eastcoast Pro, etc.

IMHO, the average college player needs to be seen by the college coaches he is most interested in playing at, the ones he has a shot PLAYING for, the ones he feels HE would like to attend, and has the major he would like to persue.
Doc, My area has no "elite" travel teams. Most players play on their HS summer and fall teams. There are other alternatives for teams, but they usually come and go. My son never played on one of these highly referred to teams and never attended a national showcase. He had lots of options out of HS. He also had several other teammates play college ball. He also had a teammate who was a first round draft pick that never played on a travel team or did anything else to put himself in the national spotlight except for pitch exceptionally well!

I have always believed that there are many ways to be successful in baseball. The first is to enjoy your passion of ball. The second is to put your trust in someone who knows what they're talking about in regards to moving on the next level. For some, it is necessary to play on an "elite" team because otherwise they'd never get seen. Others only want to play for Miss State, etc. and they need to be where Miss State will see them. There are many factors to consider in developing a "plan" for being successful and many factors in considering what has made one successful.
while i don't know your situation i would say you a very fortunate young man. to play only your soph. year and get a baseball scholy is rare. that said i would agree with everyone that you need to be seen by colleges. the best way would be by a showcase. one that draws a mix of coaches.

congratulations on getting a scholy. you really beat the odds.
I agree with what everyones saying.

I'm just pointing out I guess a trend if you want to call it in the forums that I've been reading. It seems to be saying majority of- go play some form of elite ball and attend a showcase or two.

I just thought I'd throw it out there.

I do understand how valuable it is to attend camps and everything, but what about those who aren't as fortunate that's all. It just seems to be really one sided. It could just be in the areas that I'm reading though, don't get me wrong I love the HSBBW and everything that's involved, but I'm just looking at it from a different point of view I guess.

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