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Just a word of thanx to Jackie Robinson for his place in history---think about it--without him we would not have the players we have now in the bigs---and I would not have had the opportunity to see Willie Mays break in in 1951

Ironic footnote---when I was in LL my coach was an ex Brooklyn Dodger and had played with Robinson in Montreal when Montreal the Dodgers farm club

Sort of gives you goose by bumps

Thanx Jackie
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Amen TR-
Jackie Robinson gave more to the game, and to our lives, than we may ever know. We do know for sure that the game would not be where it is today without his immense contributions. In light of this past week's racial controversy, the timing of his 60th anniversary comes at a very opportune moment. It's just like Jackie to remind us in these times of bitter divide that we're all in this together.
Thanks again 42
Great points and I hope I add another one that can be used by everyone. Look at how Jackie Robinson handled the stuff thrown at him - with class, poise, maturity and dignity that we seem to lack by all races and classes and ages today. He turned the other cheek and took the power away from his tormentors. I can't imagine how tough he had it but I am glad he was the better man to bring about a great change in baseball and society. I truly believe without Jackie Robinson the civil rights movement is set back several years.
Originally posted by TRhit:
Just a word of thanx to Jackie Robinson for his place in history---think about it--without him we would not have the players we have now in the bigs---and I would not have had the opportunity to see Willie Mays break in in 1951

Did anyone see Willie yesterday? I thought my favorite player would have played a significant role in the ceremonies yesterday. Hope he's alright.
According to my local newpaper this morning, Robinson was not supposed to be first, a guy named Irvin (I think) was, but he declined. He had just returned from military service and needed a rest.
Doby and the rest of them all endured what Robinson did, not to take anything away...just does seem like that whole group could have shared in the glory.
Good point Cat. Robinson, Doby, Irvin, and Reese are all in the HOF.
Robinson did a great deal more than the others IMHO, by being the first, taking all that heat, and THEN setting such a great example for others to follow. Others could have, but that's mere speculation.
I just wanted to remind everyone that yesterday was a moment in time to look back on 42 and his life, rather than to deflect attention onto others.

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