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It boils down to this group doesn't like anyone who is sure of himself. Anyone who has a belief system about hitting and throwing and baseball in general...........and sells it.

Probably because they aren't real sure, themselves. Some here are, and we argue all the time. When we argue the argument is usually about the facts.

Others, who aren't sure of themselves, and are annoyed, instead of arguing facts, they argue my personality.

Could care less what you think about me. I will argue my stand. I'll defend it.

And this rubs people wrong. They aren't interested in the content. They can't see it because they focus on the delivery.

And their usual response is but we'd be more interested if you'd be nicer. No one will buy your argument because of the way it's delivered.

But, I don't care. I'm not interested selling the entire group.

The 80/20 rule applies here more than anywhere. 80% don't care, won't use anything anyone offers. I hope a few of the 20% pick something up. Most of the 20 isn't very vocal.

Well, maybe all my posts should start and end with a happy face.

I'm usually short and to the point. I leave out the notes and include the lyrics.
Last edited by Teacherman
Originally posted by Teacherman:
It boils down to this group doesn't like anyone who is sure of himself. Anyone who has a belief system about hitting and throwing and baseball in general...........and sells it.

Probably because they aren't real sure, themselves. Some here are, and we argue all the time. When we argue the argument is usually about the facts.

Others, who aren't sure of themselves, and are annoyed, instead of arguing facts, they argue my personality.

Could care less what you think about me. I will argue my stand. I'll defend it.

I'm not sure if that was directed at my post, but it followed mine.

You know what, Teacherman?......I am sure of myself, my belief system and baseball in general, but people don't attack me and my personality.

I contribute when appropriate.....when one person responds to a question with similar information that I would provide, there is no need for me to repeat it. And if somebody posts something different then I would suggest, I read it and decide whether or not it is something I want to use. If it works for them, great! It isn't really a big deal.

As far as caring what I think of you....why should you care....just as I am not concerned about what you or anyone else thinks of face is the one in the mirror when I look at it, not yours.

I do think that the reason most of your posts are short and to the point is because the point you try to make is that somebody else is wrong....again, I see you telling people THAT they are wrong rather than WHY they are wrong. Doesn't take much work on the keyboard to do that.
Pull up all my posts.

Pull up all posts from Glove Man, Its, TR, Lefty...........several others.

Compare the content and then edit your post.

You will find more in depth talk about hitting skills, throwing skills and baseball in general, in my posts than everyone on this board combined. Not just talk, but the HOWS and WHYS. (Exceptions: bbscout, CoachB25, Coach Knight, Blue Dog, Swingbuster......surely others I can't think of.)

You'll also find a lot of bickering.

But to say I never offer details is just not true.

A very good example is the discussion we were involved in about outfield play. You were told several times why I play it like I do and why it is the best way to play it.

You just didn't like the answer...........but it was there.
Last edited by Teacherman
Look, read my words again. I said I believe you have things to add. I have even written that I agree with you before. I didn't say that you "never offer details", as you suggest.

And yes, I vaguely recall the outfield topic. Your idea of "the best way to play it" was to get the relay guy to the end of the outfielder's throw. No I don't agree with it, so big deal, I guess you take it personally when I disagree. Why would I agree with an idea that allows the throw to lose needed velocity? You have a right to your ideas and to coach that way....
Last edited by grateful

I do not know coach Perno well. I met with him a few times many years ago when he helped coach Polk and coach Sapp. I have had a number of ex players play for him and they say he’s a prince of a guy and a very good and thorough baseball coach.

The only Dugout club that I know of is the Georgia High School Dugout Club.

But you might want to ask Teacherman. He knows just about everything I think.

Last edited by THop

He played on the 1990 UGA team (with Derek Lilliquist) that one the college World Series. The truth is, he started last year on kinda shaky ground. Very glad it turned out great for him.

And I was just starting to like you too, until I found out you were an Auburn fan. Do you know the best thing that comes out of Auburn, Alabama?

Answer: I-85.

Just kidding.

Last edited by THop
Teacherman - Here is nearly every post you've put on this forum in a nutshell...and in your own words:

Could care less what you think about me. I will argue my stand. I'll defend it.

And this rubs people wrong. They aren't interested in the content. They can't see it because they focus on the delivery.

*Nothing wrong with the 1st part - shows guts. But read the 2nd part correctly. "They can't see it because they focus on the delivery". Ever thought that maybe all this wonderful knowledge you have might actual BENEFIT someone if you were able to present it as AN opinion instead of THE opinion?

*Like you, I am passionate about the things I care about most, and baseball certainly ranks high on that list. The difference is that I hope to not only post my views, but also to learn and benefit anyone I can in the process of my posts.

*It is not that you are opinionated that everyone hates --- it's that you simply refuse to discuss anything without attacking every system/philosophy/point of view that comes in contrast with your own. There are many coaches out there that have had success, and not all of them teach the game the exact same way...therefore, there ARE other ways to look at things.
Why come on this board if all you are doing is trying to convince YOURSELF that you are right? I KNOW what I believe...I'm hoping along the way to pick up a few pieces that I can use to take my program to a higher level. If that makes me look unsure of myself in your eyes, so be it...I think it makes me look like someone who is less interested in his own ego than he is in truly helping his boys become better players and better men.
Last edited by Coach Knight
I agree that "keep the hands inside the ball" can be very confusing.

I've turned that into "keep the hands ahead of the "barrel".

I think the intention of this cue is wonderful, but its name is terrible.

I try to make sure my kids don't cast the hands and hit "around" the ball (i.e. trying to pull the outside pitch).

If communicated properly, its a real help.
Last edited by goMO

Nice lecture.

Unfortunately - I dont agree with many of the "specifics" you so adamently state.
Nor do I agree with your approach. I think - for the most part - your approach stinks.

I think you are wrong in many areas.
So many, in fact - that I have lost count.

On the other hand - you sound like you need to believe what you are saying.

I would rather you get that need satisfied than have me sucessfully debate any point with you.

I rather see you happy and content - regradless of how wrong you may be.

I think you have alot to learn about the game - and that you should think about that statement for awhile.

Regardless of how you may perceive yourself - your posts indicate an almost complete lack of understanding of the real nature of the sport.

I will help you - but only when I feel you are ready.

Just saw your post in the other thread.

We're anxiously waiting for your discussion of hiting.

Cmon Its, you've got to at least get one post in with some hitting meat in it. Someone may take my challenge and you wouldn't want that.

I assume it's what your grandpappy taught you. Or was it your uncle?


Can you at least say it differently this time?


Nice post. Be careful about agreeing with me.
Last edited by Teacherman

I couldnt care less who took your "challenge".

It's all nonsense anyway.

Its cyber garbage - with no meaning.

As for pappy and Grandpappy and son and grandson - who cares - really?

You need to get real.
You need to calm down and enjoy the game and contribute in a positive way.

Even if it is not noticed by anyone, ever.

You need to be true to yourself and to the game.

Posting insults on a website is pure loser stuff.It is desperate and pathetic - and I feel bad for you.

I really do.
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