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Hey guys,

My brother, a freshman in high school, just got news the other day that he had made Varsity.

In the fall season in JV he was the starting 3rd baseman and the second most used starting arm in the rotation.

He has excelled in pitching most of his life and has always had the biggest passion for pitching.
Well, at the first practice yesterday, the coach informed him that he wanted him mainly as a corner infielder and that he would practice with the infielders primarily during the season... as they already have 9 pitchers on staff (one being the other freshman kid who was the most used arm).

I think it is obvious that the coach saw talent in his pitching as well as position playing, but he perhaps would have never made the team as a pitching option.

I guess my question is... since he is currently still a freshman and the coach says we cant play travel ball during the spring season... how do we go about pitching? Should we? Has anyone else experienced this and then went back to pitching?

Thanks in advance.
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if they liked his arm then he will get plenty of pitching practice, whether it be game style BP, or bullpens...they won't let him get away with not working on his mechanics.....but also keep in mind, it may be a sign that it is time to start narrowing down to one position...but I have not met a HS coach that will turn any potential pitcher away from pitcihng....funny thiings happen during the season. I wouldn't be surprised if he got sent down every now and then to pitch a few JV games
Originally posted by MakingMemories:
In the fall season in JV he was the starting 3rd baseman and the second most used starting arm in the rotation...
Well, at the first practice yesterday, the coach informed him that he wanted him mainly as a corner infielder and that he would practice with the infielders primarily during the season... as they already have 9 pitchers on staff ..
I think it is obvious that the coach saw talent in his pitching as well as position playing..
I guess my question is... since he is currently still a freshman and the coach says we cant play travel ball during the spring season... how do we go about pitching? Should we? Has anyone else experienced this and then went back to pitching?

Thanks in advance.

Agree with LHdad... If the coach saw talent in his pitching, then he will likely be open to a request for occasional properly timed BP work so he can stay sharp for future needs of the team. This request should be accompanied by gratitude for the opportunity to contribute as a position player this year.

Interestingly, this is exactly the opposite scenario of what you feared in your first post back in February.

Also, I am curious as to what your role is aside from big brother. Are you also on the team? You don't have to answer but I suspect many here will wonder since you seem to be so personally and directly involved with his situation ("...the coach says WE cant play travel ball during the spring season... how do WE go about pitching? Should WE?). And besides, if you happen to be a catcher, that could present more possibilities for solutions.

And, by the way, yes it is fairly common for a young player to be brought up to play a position he is not accustomed to and then later that year or in subsequent years, return to his original position of strength or another position all together. Specific team needs, positional depth, graduation, skill improvement, proving one's self at each level, etc. are all factors.
Last edited by cabbagedad
Left and Cabbage have it right. Things happen in many different ways for many different reasons, but typically, I don’t see Fr. pitchers getting to pitch a lot on a varsity squad, unless the pitcher is some kind of freak or the pitching is extremely weak.

Its not a reflection of what the coaches believe will be the player’s future to be either. Most of the time it’s a matter of there already being a lot of players who’ve already proven themselves somehow, or at least have experience in the “system” that give the coaches confidence they won’t make a fundamental mistake because of inexperience.

Just sit back and be glad he made the team! Heck, I’d be more worried that he got lots of playing time and plate appearances as a non-pitcher, than that he was gonna miss his big chance as a pitcher. If there’s one thing you can count on, its that there are never enough pitchers on any team! If the boy can pitch, he’s gonna get his chance.
Yeah, it is true. I had made a post before worried that he would become a pitcher-only type based upon that happening to a friend of his. Fortunately, we came to find out that his friend really was just a pitcher only in terms of positions he could play well and not the coaches true mindset.

My relationship with him is that he is my much younger brother... he is 14 and im 29. I have been the person that has been involved in his baseball activities and coaching him pretty much since he was 4. But no, I am not involved with the team at all.

We are most certainly grateful that he has made the team in a big school, which had 80 kids tryout... I just wanted to get some perspective on what usually happens.

Since I posted this, however, the coaches approached me and the other kid, who was a freshman that made the team, and told us that they encourage us to guest play for a travel team (county budget cut funding for a jv this year, so we wont have one) whenever the schedule allows it in order to stay sharp... as neither of them will be starters on the team.

He specifically mentioned that if he did that he would like to put restrictions on his pitch counts. Since, he brought up the pitching thing without me mentioning it I feel a lot better about the possibility of him pitching in the future.

Thanks for the responses guys.
Originally posted by MakingMemories:…Since I posted this, however, the coaches approached me and the other kid, who was a freshman that made the team, and told us that they encourage us to guest play for a travel team (county budget cut funding for a jv this year, so we wont have one) whenever the schedule allows it in order to stay sharp... as neither of them will be starters on the team. …

WOW! Our school district cut all Fr. sports 2 years ago, and it really has had an impact on the program. We’ve had 50+ kids going out for the JV team and another 40 for V team since, and its been sad to see. The coaches have kept many more players on the teams to give them a chance to practice if not play, but it’s a real challenge. I can’t even imagine only having a V program! All 6 of the schools in our district are over 1,800 students, so you can imagine what it would be like for incoming Fr. to try to get on a team.

Just have your brother hang in there and keep his spirits and his work ethic intact and he’ll do well. Good luck!
Originally Posted by Stats4Gnats:
Originally posted by MakingMemories:…Since I posted this, however, the coaches approached me and the other kid, who was a freshman that made the team, and told us that they encourage us to guest play for a travel team (county budget cut funding for a jv this year, so we wont have one) whenever the schedule allows it in order to stay sharp... as neither of them will be starters on the team. …

WOW! Our school district cut all Fr. sports 2 years ago, and it really has had an impact on the program. We’ve had 50+ kids going out for the JV team and another 40 for V team since, and its been sad to see. The coaches have kept many more players on the teams to give them a chance to practice if not play, but it’s a real challenge. I can’t even imagine only having a V program! All 6 of the schools in our district are over 1,800 students, so you can imagine what it would be like for incoming Fr. to try to get on a team.

Just have your brother hang in there and keep his spirits and his work ethic intact and he’ll do well. Good luck!
Wow.... No freshman sports? Are the schools that cash strapped? 

My son was a two way through HS..... but he played where they put him in HS, and played other positions on his summer team. You play where the team need is not where you want to play. Can you imagine a team made up of kids playing where they wanted to be?


BTW when he was a freshmen they left him on the freshmen team so he could pitch a lot as the Varsity team was full of pitchers. You just go where you are needed and be thankful that they want you. 


If he wants to pitch do bullpens on the side. Lots of time for summer/fall. 


Originally Posted by Out in the sticks:

Wow.... No freshman sports? Are the schools that cash strapped? 


You have to understand how big this school district is. There’s lots and lots of $$$$$$, but this is Ca and these schools are trying to maintain many many different sports for both boys and girls. The year before they cut back the paid coaches to the head of the V, and the JVHC. Other than that, all of our coaches are volunteers and hopefully get paid by fundraisers.

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