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As you may or may not know, we've had a very serious threat made against our school. The Illinois State Police, Madison County Sheriff's
Department and the FBI have all been active in this investigation which started last week. Tomorrow is the date the perpetrator has picked to "kill 44 students." This "message" has been left on bathroom walls throughout Illinois. We've have a large police presence to say the least here at school since the first threat was discovered. It has affected our sports seasons as a couple of teams have a problem sending their teams here to play this week. I understand completely. Tomorrow, keep us in your thoughts and prayers and hopefully this will prove to be an idol threat.

"Failure depends upon people who say I can't."  - my dad's quote July 1st, 2021.  CoachB25 = Cannonball for other sites.

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They should change the law and make "Johnnie" (once they find him/and they will) responsible for the threat and hit him with a minimum mandatory jail sentence of about 10 years in jail; and, this nonsense will end.

High school is supposed to be a fun time for our children.

Kids know who pulled the "prank"...and this is one time they should SNITCH!


By the way...the shooter, 16 year old (opened fire on kids on a public bus and killed 1 and injured 4 in Chicagoland last week)in the Chicago tragedy of a week ago, was denied bond after he was arrested yesterday. The 15 year old who provided the gun had his bail set at $750,000.00.

Hope they try them both as adults. With maximimum minimum sentences of life imprisonment for both.
Guys, being near CoachB, I can give you some details they've released..

First, it was a threat to "Troy, IL High School" therefore it is not believed to have been a student from their school since there is no such thing as Troy High School in Troy, IL. It is TRIAD and it emcompasses St. Jabo, Troy, and Marine.

Second, there were 3 threats found ranging from 13 miles away in Hamel, IL all the way up to Rockford, IL nearly 275 miles away from Troy.

Coach, we'll be thinking about these threats as we went through gun threat/rumors the week of VT as well as an old ammo casing being found in the locker room. Also, we get to go to Mascoutah tomorrow who is also on high alert due to the bomb threat they've had and the K9 finding this morning that caused them to shut down school and secure it for the day.
I know some posters think that this topic should come down. I understand your reasoning. Believe me, this person is not someone that would ever see this website. I can't explain more than that.

I've made a simple request for prayer and to keep us in your thoughts. I'll leave it up to Bruce or Julie to decide if it should come down. I do appreciate your concerns. I too am concerned. I have a child that will attend school tomorrow.
My personal opinion is that I don't understand why anyone who frequents this board and has children in school would want this discussion to be curtailed. These threats are rightfully being taken seriously and IMO there mere presence means the population deserves to know what these threats entail, and then as parents we can make a decision regarding our children's safety. JMO. Coach, our hopes and prayers are with you and your students.
Last edited by itsrosy
Originally posted by itsrosy:
My personal opinion is that I don't understand why anyone who frequents this board and has children in school would want this discussion to be curtailed. These threats are rightfully being taken seriously and IMO there mere presence means the population deserves to know what these threats entail, and then as parents we can make a decision regarding our children's safety. JMO. Coach, our hopes and prayers are with you and your students.

As one who believes this thread should be removed, I respectfully disagree that this threat should be taken seriously. There are dozens of these each week in Illinois and each time an overreaction, not a measured and considered reaction, by both parents and CYA administrators.

People that engage in this activity of threats, and even the ones that follow through crave only one thing, and that's attention. By providing it, we fan the flames of escalated violations. Parents who keep their own child home from school on the day of the proposed threat, are supporting the proliferation of the very problem they wish to avoid. We had the threat two weeks ago, my kids went to school, they didn't even ask.

The British have figured it out. When terrorists bombed the subways, the next day, everyone rode the subway. When terrorists bombed busses, the next day everyone rode busses. The result, very little terrorist activity in England. The more we react in defense, the worse our problem gets.

Total safety is an illusion, taking meaningless steps to confront the issues is camoflauging the illusion. The only people that have seen an end to war are already dead.

In short, promotion of the threat, as threads like this do, do not make us safer, but put us at greater risk.

And CoachB25, although you believe that "this person" would never read this site, that doesn't mean that some youth or adult who faces problems and issues in the future isn't reading this and seeing the attention it garnered...even from well meaning people asking for nothing more than a thought and a prayer.
Last edited by CPLZ

Ignoring threats would be grossly negligent. And when threats materialize into action, gross negligence turns into massive lawsuits and casualties. I'm not saying every balloon pop should be investigated, but threats, especially on the heels of VT and other recent school shootings (and the media coverage they've received), need to be taken seriously. I think you may have a different perspective if the school your son attends was being threatened.

It's easy to call a bluff when you have nothing to lose.
The triad school district is in my thoughts and prayers. Just went through this also. Son went to school because he had baseball afterwards but begged me to not let his sister go. Unlike the Triad School board, our board did not handle well and created lots of stir the night before this was supposed to happen (eve of Columbine) - result - over 800 kids off of school. I got a letter of reasurrance on the day AFTER! I would have felt a lot better about the situation had I known on the day before. In our case, it was students being aware of comments being made and drawing to the attention of teachers. Student making the threats we are told has been dealt with. I applaud those kids that came forth to the teachers.
I think you may have a different perspective if the school your son attends was being threatened.

I disagree with almost everything CPLZ wrote, but you can't say this is just lip service from someone who hasn't been through it - he DID say they'd had the threat 2 weeks ago and DID send his kids to school.

bballdad - You're right, CPLZ didn't say to ignore it. He DID say it shouldn't be taken seriously. Unless there's another way to interpret this: "I respectfully disagree that this threat should be taken seriously."

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