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I always try to keep all my player who aren't playing involved in the game somehow. I hate it when kids are sitting down or goofing off in the dugout and have no idea what is going on with the game.

I'll have a kid or two chart the opposing pitcher. I'll have a kid doing a chart I took from Polk's playbook that charts how many times the opposing pitcher looks to each base. I'll have a kid working a stopwatch and recording measurements. This information helps me, but it also gets my younger kids involved and thinking during the game.

I'm looking for any other or new things I can add to this. What do you guys do?
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Here is my plan for the upcoming season... lets say i keep 16-18 players...
9 in the field, one DH (on most days)...
that leaves 6-8 boys sitting around (or hopefully not)

Bench Jobs-
1) Charting opposing team.
2) Pitch count clicker
3) Hanging Manual Scoreboard numbers
4) Throwing and collecting warmup balls from 1b and CF
5) the rest take turns organizing dugout stuff between innings and chasing down foul balls (including the DH to keep active)

-- until i find a HS kid that can do it right i dont let them keep score... me and my asst. share those duties, they ALWAYS screw up the book.
-- on cold days (most days) i have them all run to left field corner at the start of every full inning
--we always meet in a full team huddle (usually very brief) outside the dugout as we come off the field (keeps them involved in what went on out in the field, and what our gameplan is at the plate)
-- a second catcher must always be in shinguards with mask and glove nearby for warmup duties and a player is assigned to stand by bullpen mound with glove on while a pitcher is warming up.(state rule)

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