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I used index cards in a little box. I put the name of the school & address, coach, mascot, conference etc. I wrote down anything we sent - email, letter, questionnaire and the date. On the back I wrote anything they sent son or any phone calls or texts (last summer) he received. He saved all e-mails on the computer and I got a binder for all brochures, letters, camp app.s, and college info. That seemed to work fine.
I did much the same as HitaHomer1. One thing I found helpful was a "cheat sheet" of my son's information so I could (yes I did the paperwork) make sure his information was updated and correct for any correspondence. Another thing I did was go to the different college websites, cut and paste the bio of the coach (and some of the players) to my PDA. That way you can keep up with wife and kids names --- where they went to college --- Batting averages, ERA and other "unimportant" stats etc. Coaches cell numbers are important if they give them out (that is the easiest way for your son to contact coaches). I think a player need a secretary during the recruiting ride. Big Grin
Wow sometimes the simplest questions jog your mind.

I am about two years away from the process with my son but here is what I would do. (will do)

There are a number of simple programs around for sales people to keep track of their customers and what conversations, to-dos, other activities. (act, goldmine, etc) Cost will be $50-$150 range. I would google "pc based sales software" or some variation to it.

Anyway you can keep all of the contact information in the program along with notes about conversations, give yourself a reminder to call, send a letter or whatever.

You are selling yourself so use some tools already developed for sales people.
Fungo ...
I think a player need a secretary during the recruiting ride.

And her name was MOM !!!

We used a folder system, one for each school with correspondance etc. Also had a chart of sorts on the front of one folder with key contact info for each of the schools that had a folder. If memory serves me correctly, we had about 4 folders
Originally posted by BOF:
Wow sometimes the simplest questions jog your mind.

I am about two years away from the process with my son but here is what I would do. (will do)

There are a number of simple programs around for sales people to keep track of their customers and what conversations, to-dos, other activities. (act, goldmine, etc) Cost will be $50-$150 range. I would google "pc based sales software" or some variation to it.

Anyway you can keep all of the contact information in the program along with notes about conversations, give yourself a reminder to call, send a letter or whatever.

You are selling yourself so use some tools already developed for sales people.
When my daughter went through the process I put a copy of ACT on her laptop.
Using a notebook with clear folders and pages to insert letters and media guides. Made a facts sheet of tuition, size, location etc. off the web site for each school. Made a info sheet for the front of the book to log coaches names, dates of contact, schools interst ratng (1-5), son's interest rating etc. Liked using the notebook better than the computer because of all the mailed sheets and info. It made for a nice souvenir when a college was selected. Also had a map n a cork board to put stick pins in the different locations of interestd schools. Tried to keep it fun, light and easily accessible to eliviate any stress.
I made a file cabinet and kept all letters in it... When July 1st came around all calls were written in a notebook....

This time with 2nd son .... I'm only keeping a few letters from each school and tossing most of the propaganda letters... Funny my son got the very same letter from 3 different schools >> " Our #8 reason to come to our school Ratio of girls to guys is 60 to 40" (paraphrased...) That was tossed in the trash immediately....

I imagine even with the top recruits... It will whittle itself down to a manageable few. That's where you do your homework to find out as much as you can... about each school and program.

Also remember of all the calls you get the 1st week of july, chances are you may not hear back from half of them.... and there may be a few from places you never considered... and in the case of my son, One of those ended up his selection..
Last edited by SDBB

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