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Clump of dirt????

Amazing how MLB, Fox, and the rest of the media are buying this baloney. Only John Kruk on ESPN is being honest about it. It was clearly pine tar on his hand. And the fact that it was the same "spot" he had on his hand in the ALDS and the ALCS is just a coincidence?

Come on. He can't even get his story straight with his own manager who said the umpire asked him to wash his hand! What kind of enforcement of the rules is that?
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I found it more disdainful that his antics during every camera shot were contemptuous of his fellow players as they either gave up hits or didn't make plays to his satisfaction. Call it emotions if you must, but his demeanor showed a lack of respect for his teammates. Either the camera men need to shoot another shot, or KR needs to take it inside the club house.
Last edited by collikar
I dont know why people are denying the obvious. Clearly from those pictures that isn't a clump of dirt. I am a little biased being that I was raised a Cardinals fan, but comon guys that was pine tar or something of the like. I'm not denying that he pitched well, but more action should have been taken. Larussa should have handeled it better dont get me wrong, that defintaly wasn't dirt.
I think it's safe to say that KR had pine tar on his hand.


It's also safe to say that pine tar is used a lot more than the average fan would think. In fact, I would say it is common.

When the camera caught it, and when the players were letting LaRussa know about it.......I kept thinking...........Kenny better get this guy to roll over one quick or a major mess is gonna happen.

The only chance LaRussa had was to go to the mound DURING PLAY and notify the umpires. Players sit in the clubhouse and watch the same thing we are seeing. As soon as the inning was over, there was no chance Kenny wouldn't be notified by one of his teamates from upstairs.

But I can also understand LaRussa wanting to make darn sure what was going on. If he made a big deal about it only to find out it wasn't anything.............then he would have been the bad guy in the media today.

Pitchers use pine tar. That's a fact although it doesn't make it right according to the rules.

In this case, the only thing I question is why KR made it soooooo obvious.
Pine tar has nothing to do with how well KR is pitching. It won't do anything different to a pitch. It's for a better grip and nothing more. It is weird that he needed it in almost freezing weather. It does help when your hand is very sweaty.

Ken......I played together with Kenny in 1985 when he was a young 18 year old kid. He was a great kid then and a great guy now. He's not proud of what happened last year, but don't judge him on that situation only.
Last edited by Old Pitcher

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