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i have a player on my team who is an exceptional hitter and fielder, but he cannot throw the ball period. Its not that his arm isn't strong(one of the best on the team's) It appears to be the problem is all mental. He is a shortstop/2B and used to make all the plays,but now when he throws to first it is 3/4 of the time in the dirt or over the 1st baseman's head. None of his errors are with the glove. I need the kid's bat in the lineup, but i do not know where to play him? Any help on solving my players throwing problems would be appreciated.
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Sounds like a case of "Chuck Knobloch disease"! Smile

My son went through that -- and yes, it appears to be all mental. And the more they "think", the worse they throw.

The all of a sudden he had a game where he fielded 8 consecutive chances at 3rd base perfectly -- including the throws. Go figure!

So I don't have an answer, but the situation is not unique or even that unusual. It's all about confidence, and however he can get some of that -- that's the key. Try to get him believing that it WILL happen -- stay relaxed and throw the ball hard.

Any chance you could DH him for a while?
I had that problem and all I did to get out of it was take a bucket of balls at one position and throw the entire bucket. Then I'd move the bucket around: up the middle, towards third. One thing that I found helpful when I moved to second base is someone told me don't throw it overhand. Throw it 3/4. It helps keep the ball low and it's easier to throw it hard and still know it'll stay low. I'd stress to him that throwing it low is much better than high because a first baseman has a chance at a low one. Make sure he follows his throws to-especially at short. Meaning after he throws it he should take 1-3 more steps towards the base. Watch Jeter. This is on a routine ball. Backhands and balls up the middle may be different. Following the throw helps a player 1) make sure he's coming through the baseball (not throwing after being flat footed) 2) helps accurracy and 3) ensures that more of the body will be used. Having said all this and trying to sound smart, I'm not a coach... just a MIF player.

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