This week my son, an '09 catcher, committed to Duke University. We were incredibly impressed with the quality of the Duke coaching staff, and I will feel completely comfortable with them leading my son over the next four years.
It's kind of hard to believe that the recruiting phase has concluded. I started coming to this site back when the first thread I would check when I logged on was the "pre-high school" thread. He can now relax, have fun playing football this fall, and enjoy his senior year and last high school baseball season.
The people on this site have been incredibly valuable to my son and I as we went down this path. I have made terrific friends here, and have met more than a few of you in person.
The cumulative wisdom of the people here is simply amazing. I tapped it constantly. There is nothing more valuable than having the ability to ask questions to those who have gone down the path before you.
I thank you all for all your help.
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