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My son is starting college at a D1 2 weeks from tomorrow.  We jsut found out that his school has decided to forego their annual trip to FL and instead spend 7 days at Lakepoint next March.  It's great for the team for a couple reasons....1) 14 hours less drive each way  2) all turf fields 3) hotels are a lot less expensive.


It's also great for me....I can drive instead of fly. It's 9 hours from home instead of 24....and I also, I know a guy who has a 4500 square foot house 4 miles from the park that he will rent for less than $200/night and we'll split it at least 3 ways.  The savings for me from going to Lakepoint over having to fly to FL and spend a week in hotels will be SUBSTANTIAL....likely $1500++


Here's my question.  Does Lakepoint charge a $5.00 parking fee for spring college games?   That $35.00 is probably going to be a dealbreaker as to whether or not I'll go see my son play at one of the nicest facilities in the country against some of the top D1 programs in the March, when it's likely to be somewhere around 15-20 degrees here with a foot of snow on the ground!


Does anyone know?? anyone who hasn't already figured it out this post is complete SARCASM!   Hopefully seeing it written this way will make all of you who have spent the entire summer complaining about $35.00 realize how ridiculous it 


Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings....that wasn't my intent.  Summer ball is over...and things are kinds slow up North here...

Last edited by Buckeye 2015
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Had me going for a minute there Buckeye. Haha. Yeah, they do charge though. I went to see one of my son's college games there last year. Beautiful facility. Worth the admission. Not sure he'll be playing there this season, but maybe I'll keep an eye out for some other college games and stop by during the spring. It's only about 45 minutes from where I live.

Saw college son play there one weekend last spring.  We found out on Wednesday that the schedule had been changed (due to the awful east coast weather), we checked in with our bosses, and started driving part way to Atlanta on Thursday.  


Gag post or will enjoy Lakepoint, and try to get up to Cartersville during some off time.  If the weather is good, we enjoyed Kennesaw Mountain, too. you really have a schedule yet?!?!?!

Hi All - Buckeye's post was timely as I was in the Emerson courthouse today hopeful to resolve a Lakepoint parking situation.  Its a sticky subject with our family!


Long story short....  Back in early June @ the PG-EC Invitational, BEFORE Lakepoint had published a parking policy we heard that Players parked for free & we asked the PG staff if that was true after sons 1st game @ LP.  At next game @ LP my son drove, with my wife and I in the car, and after his games we found a citation for Criminal Trespass for $174.  Amazed all this silly stuff happened over $5 Parking. 


DEFINITELY do not intend or want to stir-up or rehash the prior Lakepoint threads. Glad my 2018 son will have the opportunity to play there thru his HS years.


Turns out I get to make another trip over to Emerson in a couple months to speak with the Judge so stay tuned..... 

Originally Posted by presont:

Hi All - Buckeye's post was timely as I was in the Emerson courthouse today hopeful to resolve a Lakepoint parking situation.  Its a sticky subject with our family!


Long story short....  Back in early June @ the PG-EC Invitational, BEFORE Lakepoint had published a parking policy we heard that Players parked for free & we asked the PG staff if that was true after sons 1st game @ LP.  At next game @ LP my son drove, with my wife and I in the car, and after his games we found a citation for Criminal Trespass for $174.  Amazed all this silly stuff happened over $5 Parking. 


DEFINITELY do not intend or want to stir-up or rehash the prior Lakepoint threads. Glad my 2018 son will have the opportunity to play there thru his HS years.


Turns out I get to make another trip over to Emerson in a couple months to speak with the Judge so stay tuned..... 

Prestont, please keep this discussion over on the NWBA site, this posting was a JOKE by Buckeye, please don't ruin this thread with ANYTHING negative about any Lakepoint experience.  There are at least 5 other threads to vent on about the subject, but not this one please.

I loved the original posting!  I got pulled in thinking it was another complaint only to find a well constructed joke.  I think the $5 parking fee will be used for comic relief for some time.  While I am not a fan of the total cost of travel ball, this small charge actually helps put everything into perspective.


As for the criminal trespass charge, I found that very interesting too.  Sounds like the guy must have blown through the entrance and barely missed a couple of the guys and gals with their folding chairs.  I have to ask - how does one get a criminal trespass charge without first being asked to leave?  Maybe this is a bigger conspiracy between Lakepoint and the city of Emerson.  While we are on Emerson, what is with all the trucks parked on the on-ramp?  There must have been 20+ the other night as we were leaving.


Lots of serious threads on this board - lets keep this one light hearted.

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