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Many coaches have an infatuation with tall and athletic players who are 6'+. But here at our HS, the prototype player is 5'7" and under.

Does this have anything to do with the coach being 5'7"? The players certainly look tall enough when they are standing near him. The team did do well, scoring runs in bunches but it was against weak pitching. Now, though, they are playing against the more talented teams and are having trouble scoring runs.

These smaller players do not have the ability to drive the ball for extra base hits. So, we are fast becoming a ball club that will not make the playoffs.

Can a HS team really be successful with minimal extra base hit power in the lineup? Does Napoleon have a complex? Is the coach "short-changing" the team?
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Roster for our team.

2b 5'7 140 Sr
SS 5'8 155 Sr Pitcher
CF 5'7 150 Sr
RF 5'9 160 Sr
DH 5'11 225 Sr
1B 5'11 210 Sr
OF 6'2 175 Sr
3B 5'9 165 Sr
C 6'3 210 Sr
OF 5'10 165 Jr Pitcher
2B 5'8 145 Soph
1B 6'3 170 Soph Pitcher
OF 6'2 205 Soph Pitcher
3B 5'11 175 Fresh Pitcher
C 6'0 205 Fresh

Can you tell from the size of these kids who are the best players? Can you tell who has the most power? No. We have two Srs that will play College baseball next year. One more could but would rather attend a D-1 school that he likes alot rather than play baseball at a D-2 or D-3 school. Some of the other Srs could play some D-3 or Community College baseball but want to attend D-1 for other reasons? Look at the roster and try to guess who the two srs are that are going to play College baseball next year. Take a guess Ill let you know if you are right.
Coach May,

I assume you are asking ME to take a guess as to the college bound, baseball-playing seniors.

I'll pick:
SS 5'8 155 Sr Pitcher
CF 5'7 150 Sr

The best players on the team are usually the SS and CF. The tall catcher is intriguing, but is probably too tall to be quick enough to play the position. The 5'11", 220 lb. 1B sounds a little too fat and there are enough of those guys around to play first and DH.

I really don't have a problem with smaller players, except that they are small and WEAK. Our coach has picked players that look like HIM, and it's really becoming a problem for our team. SBK hit the nail on the head when he said that we got the ones who can't hit.

Can I trust you for a sincere reply as to the seniors? Sorry if I didn't play into your trap and pick the big guys.
Last edited by limom84
Congrats to Limon she picked them out. The cf is the best of I have ever coached. He has instincts that you can not teach. He is a 6.8 60 guy and a .320 hitter this year around .280 for his career. The ss is a 7.2 60 guy with a cannon. Hes around 88 from ss to first. He will play some of and 2b as well as pitch in college. He can hit. Hes around .500 this year and a career .420 hitter. He has some pop but is really a gap hitter. The 5'11 220 1b is not fat at all. He is just a big strong country boy. The 6'3 catcher is not very talented but does a great job in the pen and works very hard. Limon great job you picked them out.
I honestly can not believe this. What difference does it make how tall you are? How strong and powerful you are? Let the boys play the game they love, no matter what size they are. When my son was a soph. in high school the head coach told him he needed to put on pounds, and stretch up a bit before he put him on varsity. Thank God that he was a strong enough young man to realize that this coach was stupid. Thank God my son did not turn to steroids, or supplements to try to get taller and heavier.....more powerful! He let nature takes its course.........he is now playing D1 baseball.....and he is still small.........the coaches love him the way he is......and so do I! And by the way..........all the larger more powerful extra base hitters.........well, none of them are playing college baseball!
TPM please pray for me. I need all the help I can get. Also you say 1/4 are under 6'0 that sounds about average. But honestly not going by the program how many of the listed 6'0 and 6'1 guys are really 5'10 5'11? Not that it matters anyway but just wondering in your opinion. Also its kind of funny because the guys that are really 6'2 or 6'4 are listed 6'2 or 6'4. Its like they dont get the extra inches because they dont (need them) but the borderline guys at 5'10 5'11 get an extra inch or two on the roster. Do you find this is the case at Clemson as well?
Coach May,
You have a pm. Smile

I don't think height matters. I think it is the knowledge you have about the game and coachability that is important for college coaches.
While watching Shane Robinson last night on TV, they talked about his unique knowledge of understanding the game, and for that, it doesn't matter how tall or short you are.
Last edited by TPM
My 14 year old son is a 5'2", 110 lb. freshman, and starting shortstop on our Varsity team. Last week we were ranked 10th in Indiana 2A. He's hitting .388 for the year and along with his 5'7" senior 2nd basemen have turned eight double plays.

limom84, your Napoleon comment was not only childish, but rude. And, having read several of your previous posts, it's obvious, you trully don't know much about baseball.

Remember, "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog!"
Last edited by Lil Man's Dad
The bottom line is if a kid can play he can play. Size only matters if all things are equal. Not that I think it matters at all but lets be realistic college coaches are going to take the 6'2 kid over the 5'9 kid if they feel that they are basically equal in ability and intangibles. There is a place at the next level for every kid that loves the game and has a great attitude and can play regardless of the size.

There are a ton of kids at the D-2 D-3 Juco ranks that are every bit as talented and more than kids at the D-1 level. But because of thier size they were not recruited by these high profile schools. Who cares anyway. Are they still playing baseball? Yes. Are they going to have the chance to earn a college degree? Yes. There are a ton of smaller kids at the D-1 level as well. It just doesnt matter unless (you) let it matter.

I totally agree. I would love to have an ignore button for your stupidity. You never add anything.

Let's face it. How many 5'2" shortstops do you know who can even reach first base from the normal shortstop position?

Get real. Every time that "lil player" comes to bat, the OF moves in, and it tightens up the field, making it very difficult to drop in a hit. Even though it may look like he's running fast, those short, quick strides are very deceiving. He's easily thrown out from all infield positions. When he walks, he's not a threat to steal.

And that's the truth. If it hurts, then so be it.
Last edited by limom84
You came on here with one of your scenerios, and asked for an answer. Then when we responded you didn't like it and had to get nasty.
I don't like getting nasty, but sorry, you are one big JERK, and I would not be surprised one bit if you have two indentities here. In fact, I could pretty much guess who you are.
My last post ever to you and if you all were smart you would do the same.
limom84, as I said yesterday, it's obvious you really don't know much about baseball. Does the name Freddie Patek mean anything to you? How about David Eckstein?

I would like very much to continue this with you but I am already ashamed of myself for allowing you to get me this involved. I'm trying hard not to judge you, however your
comments are telling all of us alot about you.

I wish both you and your son nothing but the best.
Last edited by Lil Man's Dad
Anyone who thinks size is not an issue at all is naive. The reason coaches and scouts look for size is years of experience. There are differences, that's a simple fact. However, different body builds do produce different results.

Anyone who thinks size means you are not a good hitter is naive. There ARE small players who are excellent hitters, and some hit for more power than their larger team mates. Similar body builds also produce different results.

Anyone who thinks size determines success is also naive. There are large players who, though given numerous chances to prove their abilties simply do not live up to expectations.

There are small players who do not the the mold either, and they have more than enough talent,guts, determination etc. to overcome dozens of things that would trip up most players.

I would never select a team based on size alone, big or small - you might as well have someone give you a list of names and pick based on whose name starts with what letter.
Hitting is overated. Small players cant hit. The list goes on and on. I am tired of responding to threads with my opinion only to find out later that my opinion is not really wanted. Limon wants someone to agree and when they dont Limon starts showing us why we need to ignore Limon. OldTimers need to retire? OK I will retire from any thread that you start and any response that you have to any other thread.
I'd like to clarify my position. My objections to the posts of this woman are her name calling and willingness to put other young men down by saying that they are weak, just because they are short. I suggest she be honest enough to make her comments known to her sons coach as well as her sons teamates and parents if she feels her son is being made to play with such inadequate players.

I used my son as a reference, not to brag, but show that many small players are capable of getting the job done and more. I am very aware that the number of small players in pro ball or even D1 are very few and far between.

Obviously this is a subject that gets to me a little quicker than most, but I assure you that my intentions were not simply to protect my son. His accomplishments on the field have been witnessed and praised by far more knowledgeable baseball people than this woman, including professional scouts and D1 coaches.
Last edited by Lil Man's Dad
Here's a few guys at about 5'8" and under who seem to have been able to play some ball:

Kirby Puckett
Yogi Berra
Omar Vizquel
Luis Aparicio
Don zimmer
Jimmy Wynn
Lonnie Smith
Pee Wee Reese
Ichiro suzuki
Bobby Richardson
Tim Raines

The list is really quite extensive. One of the beauties of baseball is that height, etc. is typically not a factor that determines success. Pedro Martinez is not a big guy, but he sure can bring it. kirby puckett seemed to have some power and from the "short" list above I think there's a few HOF players.

Height, weight, bad coach, bad hair day, politics. . . . excuses, excuses, excuses
Last edited by HeyBatter
Coach May,
My advice exactly.
Lil Man's Dad,
I see that you are a new poster. Limom is not a baseball mom.
I found your posts to be very imformative but you can see opinions are asked then attacked by Limom.
There are lots of other great subjects to post on.
Last edited by TPM
One more thing. In going back to read the old posts of this person I found two things.

One, he/she's childish and rude about every subject. And two, it's amazing how people look exactly the way you have them pictured in your mind.......

And to TPM, thank you. Normally I don't get so worked up, but this time I just could not resist. I should have read even more of the previous posts and I probably could have held off on the "bad pitch".
Last edited by Lil Man's Dad
As a short ballplayer, I'll ignore all the c r a p on this board, and point one thing out to everyone who feels that short guys can't play baseball.

Who has more World Series Rings?

David Eckstein or Nomar Garciaparra? (it's Eckstein)

Kirby Puckett or Mark McGwire? ( Puckett )

Yogi Berra, or ...ANYONE ELSE WHO'S EVER PLAYED THE GAME!!!?? ( Berra!!! )

Short guy won every time, didn't he?????

Big Grin
Last edited by yankeeclipper

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