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I'm usually on the other side of this argument.  I think it is a shame how volatile and short the typical lifespan is of a college coach, particularly at the D1 level.  But Lane Kiffin getting 10 years at FAU definitely raised my other eyebrow.  Considering his history, this is a very interesting move on the university's part.  I get that this school would struggle to get coaches with this type of experience with the more prominent programs and I get that he turned this program around in a hurry (at least for the time being) but ...  ???

There is an interesting graph in the article.  Of the seven FBS schools in Florida, Mark Richt is the longest tenured coach where he has not quite completed his second year at Miami.

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I think at some point, coaches just decide that they're done moving.  Obviously Kiffin could have had bigger jobs, but FAU is in a really nice area.  He could coach there....retire from there and not have to move.  If he didn't go after any of the open jobs this year, I'm not sure what school may be able to convince him to leave...there were some really good openings this year and he likely could have had any of them just by making a phone call.

Buckeye is right, at some point coaches decide they don't want to move anymore. Has anyone ever been to Boca Raton, FL? This is Kiffins type of town. Fast pace, lots of money, his folks live here, his brother, and one airplane  with no layover to where his kids live. Will he stay all 10 years?  Probably not. Who knows.  He says he likes being unrecognized around town with a home on the water.

They LOVE him here, absolutely love him. He has put FAU football back on the map. FAU recruiting in all sports is up as well.    Money coming in from conference championship and more if they win this bowl game. All I know is when I wear my FAU shirt everyone asks me if I know Kiffin.  No, I don't but I know the pitching coach well!

President Kelly, former VP from Clemson has made significant improvements to the school. It's a city campus and very nice. The football stadium had a makeover and pretty impressive. Hopefully Kiffin will go big on out of conference games next season , starting with Oklahoma.

I never really was a big Kiffin fan, but he has brought $$$ into the athletic program and next up hopefully will be baseball improvements.

Oh yeah, I forgot, it's great for recruiting!

Last edited by TPM
ironhorse posted:

I'm pretty sure there's a buyout in there so he can still leave when he wants. This seems like a pretty one-sided deal that looks good and helps recruiting. 

I'd be interested to see how many coaches have fulfilled a 10-year contract. List has to be short.

Ten year contracts are a joke at a mid major. Mid major programs like FAU are stepping stones to Power Fives. Besides Kiffen hasn’t lasted anywhere long without getting fired for unethical behavior.

Kiffen needs to prove he can stay out of trouble for a few years before he earns his way back to a Power Five. Right now any place he coaches is going to be scrutinized. The man is a scum bag. FAU is willing to deal with the devil to build a program. For a major program the trouble Kiffen could get them into would be a step backwards. 

Last edited by RJM
Teaching Elder posted:

I don't think Kiffen has ever been fired for unethical behavior.  He's a snotty little brat who doesn't work well with his superiors, though.  That may well end up causing friction between him and FAU.

He got Tennessee in trouble with the NCAA in just one year. He ran away to USC. He was fired at USC for poor performance and putting the program under PAC 12 investigation. This was just what USC wanted coming off a two year NCAA probation. USC so badly didn’t want Kiffen on campus they fired him at the airport and told him to go away. Everywhere he’s been in charge there have been questionable personal behavior issues. 

Last edited by RJM

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