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2013's team just brought up a very strong JV player who speaks very little English. He works very hard and everyone really likes him and wants to help him be successful, but the language barrier is problematic when the coach is shouting instruction from the dugout.

Several of the players take Spanish and can help out to a degree, but they don't know how to translate all the terminology themselves. We suggested that they talk to their Spanish teacher about a group or extra credit project to develop sort of a baseball dictionary of terms and phrases for the team and coach. She could help them with dialect, etc.

Has anyone else experienced this particular challenge, and do you have any suggestions you can share?
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I'd think so. For folks coming here now compared to 100 years ago the need to learn english is not as urgent if your primary language is spanish.

When great-grandpa and grandma got off the boat in Ellis Island losing Italian and learning english was a top priority to be able to function. If you didn't America was a very small country. By 2nd generation noone spoke Italian anymore.
Um - I see this a lot. The player will pick up on what the coach is saying, quickly. And his teammates will learn a little Spanish in return. You would be amazed how quickly they learn.
Here's a thought - you said he was called up from JV because he was a strong player, how did he or his JV team mates deal with the language barrier down there. I am going to go out on a limb here and say maybe the Spanish speaking player is not having a problem.

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