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Seeing that it is 10 degrees out (and dropping) with a foot of snow on the ground here in NH it makes one crave spring and baseball season!!

So I figured I'd start a new topic. This is my son's last year as a Middle School player before heading off to High School in the fall. I was curious as to how many others out there had a son on the precipice of high School ball.

My son is a 5'10" 155lb LH pitcher/1B. He is a returning starter.

So how many others out there have a 2013???
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Hill that was out of line IMO!!

While I did ask about 2013's it also mentioned 8th grade (well last year of middle school)...which RJM was technically discussing with his post!!

All are included....just a fun topic is all...

bballman - Good luck to your son!!!

Doughnutman - Don't I wish we lived in your Basketball and indoor workouts just don't cut it!! going to be -4 degrees tonight...brrrrr......
Last edited by redsox8191
Originally posted by bballman:
That was pretty harsh hill. Original poster just wanted to start a friendly thread and did mention his son's size.

I'm a little off, but my son is a 2012. HS tryouts coming up in a couple of weeks. He is 5'8" 155 lbs. All these years of playing leading up to this. Hope it goes well.
It's OK bball. I know Doughnutman from a couple of other boards. I didn't realize his son had grown so much so I offered a comparision to when my son was that age. Since it offended "the hill" I deleted my post.

"the hill" went after Coach May, one of the most respected posters on the board and one of the most respected travel coaches in the country in one of his first posts. So I'm in good company. "the hill," you're off to a great start as a new poster.
Last edited by RJM
My son is a 2013 getting ready for his last season of pre high school travel ball. 5'8" 120 pound catcher and outfielder. Curious as to what others at this age are doing for winter workouts?

34 has a 2 hour weekly workout with his tournament team focused on hiting and working with the team's pitchers. Has a another 2 hr weekly workout with his regular travel team, where they hit, field and throw. He also will catch his older brother, a 2009 lefty pitcher for a bullpen session each week. If there is time, he will have one more hitting session during the week.
Like bballman, my son's a year off, and a 2012. But seeing I met redsox8191 in Cooperstown a couple years ago, I thought I'd drop in on this thread anyway. Wink

Tryouts March 1st. He's 5'4", ~115 lbs. Right now, he's staying in shape playing freshman basketball (no freshman were taken on the JV team). He's also into his third week of an hour and a half hitting/fielding clinic on Sat. mornings.

As much fun as he's having playing hoops, after his first baseball clinic a couple weeks ago, as we walked out he said, "There's just nothing like baseball. I like basketball a lot, but not like baseball!". Music to my ears that he still has the passion. Big Grin

Good luck to all.
As far as Lodi14 jr staying in shape Right now he plays Basketball for a travel team. They practice 3 evenings a week for 2 hours.Mondays after school he does a strength/core building program with Monkey Bars then goes to BB practice.Tournements most every weekend but not all. Some are one day shows and some are both days. Sunday night plays in an indoor league for baseball.We try to get in the cage once a week.He also works with a pitching coach once a week. I know it seems like a lot but I really try to monitor his rest and recovery.I have also tried to teach him about nutrition. He does good during the week but at the tournements on the weekend I catch him with junk food. Gotta let them be kids some.

I'd rather "The Hill" delete his post then you deleting yours!


That was a heck of a week in Cooperstown! You guys easily had the second best team there and would have probably split a 10 game series with the Champion Sliders!

As far as winter workouts for my son his Travel team has a 1 1/2 hr workout every Wed evening and sunday afternoon. Mainly hitting is worked on with limited throwing. Pitching just started this past week. I will also start taking him to extra innings to work on his pitching so he hits the ground running in April. He also plays rec hoops twice a week.

Temp was -8 degrees this morning....nothing like baseball weather!!! NOT!!
Last edited by redsox8191
My 2013, 6'0"/ 195, has joined a new team that has already started twice weekly practices to get ready for the spring season. Texans only think we know what winter is. The temp is 43 today but should be in the low 60's tomorrow so we will be on the field. He has been going to the cages to hit & pitch 3-4 times per week. Next on the training agenda is sports specific speed & agility training. He/we are very excited about HS baseball being the next step after this year. Good Luck to everyone, especially the '13's!!!
Well, I suppose my son had his last year as a pre hs player. Things were looking good for the 2012 ss-rhp for the coming hs year. He's going to a small school and they were excited to have him as he'd played a few 18u summer games with them and some fall 18u games against some of them.
Thanksgiving day he broke his throwing elbow in a skateboarding accident, had two 6" pins inserted and some wires. Evidently he's been rewired for 220. The doc said most likely they'd need to go back in (surgery) and remove the pins and wires in 3-6 months, so I'm not sure how much baseball he'll play in 09 and how that will affect any future baseball. He broke it right at the joint so I guess time will tell. Seems to be healing nicely so I'm cautiously optomistic but the season seems to be coming so quickly. Smile
Originally posted by BaseballMom10:
Can't swim a lick. It is kind of like watching a puppy that has big paws... you know the dog will eventually be big!

He went from size 13's in August, to 15's in December. Hopefully the arms and legs will catch up!
He will grow. His body will catch up. Don't worry if his play is affected by growing body parts.

My daughter had the feet of a 5'10" kid when she was 4'8". On her bike it looked like a duck peddling away. When she grew fourteen inches in eighteen months, awkwardness made her slow for a while. She looked like the cartoons where the feet are cranking and the body isn't going anywhere.

Same thing with my son. He wore size 12's when he was 5'4". He's now 6'1" and still growing. He had trouble hitting and pitching with all those new body parts when he grew seven inches in six months over a season. Over the holidays my mother commented his head is always in the refridgerator.

Did your son or daughter have issues with a lack of flexibility along with the rapid growth spurt? Son is stiff, can't touch his toes etc. This is a kid that when he was 10 kid hit the floor on side splits... It seems like his muscles are pulled TIGHT. If he thinks about running, he ends up pulling a muscle.

I am trying to get him to do some stretching, but, I don't think he sees that stretching with Mom as being something a 13 year old should do... Smile
Both of my sons have gone thru some tight muscle issues because of growth spurts. The 15yo ran track in the spring as a 8th grader and was a very good smooth runner, by the time fall baseball came around he looked like a different kid and was slow and awkward looking. He was having trouble with his glute muscles and absolutely could NOT run with any kind of speed. Now after no running for two months he says he feels good and today was doing sprints up stairs 4 steps at a time with no pain. All he really did for it was some light stretching and give his glutes a rest and let them catch up.
Last edited by Innocent Bystander
Originally posted by BaseballMom10:

Did your son or daughter have issues with a lack of flexibility along with the rapid growth spurt? Son is stiff, can't touch his toes etc. This is a kid that when he was 10 kid hit the floor on side splits... It seems like his muscles are pulled TIGHT. If he thinks about running, he ends up pulling a muscle.

I am trying to get him to do some stretching, but, I don't think he sees that stretching with Mom as being something a 13 year old should do... Smile
My daughter never had any issues other than coordination. My son has on and off issues with Osgoods. He complained about his knees after recently growing two inches in six weeks. We think one of the inches was in a week to ten days. Last year he had to sit out ten days after injuring his legs running stairs for basketball. This was right after the major growth spurt.

A potential issue with rapid growth is the bones outgrowing the muscles and the muscles having to catch up. The kids need to stretch. The parents have to be careful regarding the training kids do during these periods. There's an increased chance of injury to tendon, ligaments and muscles according to my son's sports med doctor. He told me this after my son injured his legs running stairs.
Last edited by RJM
Innocent - sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully he heals up well!

My son is in size 13's now...kid seems to go through new shoes every few months! Cleats are lucky to last the year. Last year he needed new cleats to get through fall ball. He has gone through the "lack of coordination" phase with growth spurts in the past. His body seems to have caught up finally (till the next He lost his baby fat over the summer, actually dropped 15 lbs or so from the spring. Puberty probably played a part in that as he started over the summer.

Isn't it a riot to see how much the boys change from 12 to 14? He plays with most of the same kids that he went to Cooperstown with when they were 12 and it is funny seeing how much they have changed and aged. Much deeper voices for many of them as well.
Originally posted by BaseballMom10:

Did your son or daughter have issues with a lack of flexibility along with the rapid growth spurt? Son is stiff, can't touch his toes etc. This is a kid that when he was 10 kid hit the floor on side splits... It seems like his muscles are pulled TIGHT. If he thinks about running, he ends up pulling a muscle.

I am trying to get him to do some stretching, but, I don't think he sees that stretching with Mom as being something a 13 year old should do... Smile

A track coach told me that tall kids in particular have problems being tight during their high growth years. He recommended that they just keep stretching and over time they will loosen up as the rest of their body catches up as well as the results from the stretching activities. It is funny how they change from year to year particularly after a high growth period.

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