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All I can tell you is that the players we have had/have there love it---The Blevins boy is a great example---I was involved with Bobby from LI thru HS---look at his career at LeMoyne---we also have a Candian boy on the team, Adam LeDuc who made Academic All Conference as well as being a force out of the bullpen

Thanks for the camp critique. This will be the first camp my kid's ever gone to, besides the one put on by the local minor league team which was just a day camp. I don't know if he'll be staying overnight or commuting daily; It depends on his traveling team practice schedule. I know he's got a game at 6 PM on the 26th. Anyhow, hope it goes well again this year.

Best Regards,


Update---I heard a rumor, only an hour ago, that LeMoyne's baseball program is to be demoted from Div I to Div II beginning next year. The reason I was given is that they don't have enough Div I sports programs at the school. This isn't a factor for us, but it's something that might be of concern to you. You may want to make an inquiry as to whether or not there's any truth to this rumor. I'm confident it'll still be a great place to play.
I had also gotten this news about 5 days or so but held off until I could get further confirmation. I was told today that it will infact happen and that LaMoyne will be joing the NE-10. D2, and will be subject to a 2 year probation? period before they can compete in the playoffs.

The reasons given were in fact the numer of D1 sports and an issue with scholarship counters.

This si effective immediately
thanks for the info merc and tr. so was it the MAAC that wanted them to have another sport in d1? at least the NE-10 is a strong d2 conference. so then they will join st.rose, franklin pierce there. i just find it odd that they have to move down. i mean they made it into the regionals and fought hard against ohio state. a little disappointing in my opinion
Hey Chris,

Thanks for the Post Standard article. I hadn't seen it as we get the Auburn paper but don't subscribe to the Syracuse paper.

By the way, good luck at LeMoyne camp if you're still going. Tomorrow's the big day huh? Hope you have a good time. I'm hoping Noah will come away with some new skills and knowlege as well as a good feel for what campus life is like. Just spending time on a campus may help him discover what he's looking for in a college as he begins the all-important search for a college that's a good fit for him. It's his first ever camp--should be a good experience. Maybe we'll see you there.

Best Regards,

Last edited by strike123

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