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Son played on a great Metor team last year. Had alot of exposure and he learned alot. Highschool Coach wants him to play Legion this year. This summer it will be mostly Soph. on the team due to the other boys moving on to something better. Also last summer when he played some of the better Legion teams his team won. So he feels the competition is better where he is at. What do you all think? Move to play with a younger team or stay put. Oh and forgot to mention he would then play backup on the legion team to a returning senior when he was the starter last year for the metro. So it seems like a step back to us.
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It depends on what metro team and what legion team. It also depends on what the "something better" that the boys are moving on to actually is. Please understand that not too many outside of the Baltimore area understand what the metro league is and how helpful (or not) and competitive (or not) it can be. I personally would need more info to be able to assess the situation.
Thank you for your advice. That is what we thought also. It did not make sense to have him become a backup to someone else when he proved himself already on the other team. Now if it was a team that was above the one he was on and played tougher competition then it might make sense. He has tried to let the Coach (highschool) how he feels about it. I think that the coach understands his viewpoint now. Even though he wants him on the other team to lead the younger guys.
must have been a long recruiting call with all of the displaced locals around. I think that there is some genuine interest from all attendees but I know that at least one is reserving judgement for the moment. As you may have heard, there's still a lot of traveling to be done. In fact, we'll be leaving Thursday for the next leg of the journey. I think we've got two more to do after that. And to think that we thought we were done so long ago.
Originally posted by mcozart:
It depends on what metro team and what legion team.

B-Metro at the 16U remains competative for half of the teams, a few teams remain competative that are from Baltimore City or Baltimore County, yet many are from surrounding counties. Does Dewey Lohman have a Legion?

From a Legion view point, Southern Maryland Legion remains strong, and with the implementation of a Jr. Legion, has growth potential. Legion teams from Montgomery, and Frederick remain very competative.
PG is going thru another transition since Greenbelt had several great years in the 90's.
Does Anne Arundel Legion have more than three Legion teams left?

Now that Legion has gone to 19U, it allows opportunities for the college kids to return and play ball. As I understand it, Metro 18U continues to be an Aug 1 18U (or has $$ Faw $$ also gone to April 1 cutoff.)

Does anyone know where the Legion Maryland State Championships are in 2006? 2007?
Originally posted by GreeningJ:
Does anyone know the Disney-Bell legion team contacts?

Try either T Terrill at Riverdale Baptist,
or Ray RR Ruffin.

However, I thought Disney-Bell Legion ceased a couple of years ago. Maybe be when the last of the Terrill's graduated HS.

RR's grandson may be 17-18 this year. Check w/

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